Dementia is ......something I watched my dad disappear with and my mom fight to......what to hold him from disappearing. He knew all of us but couldn't talk and we lost his loving personality - our leader and foundation - I guess one could say God was there but, oh, how our ground shook. God is ever faithful!
It was the most difficult time in live for me, a " Daddy's girl". I now walk the path my mom walked and fight the fight Mom fought. I need my DD family. I pray for those that have similar paths to walk - it's hard. But. It's a path that is illuminated by the presence of Jesus.

Please continue to pray for our "Technical training program for the unlettered " .
It's our joy to see small businesses flourishing across the region, building bridges to the unreached communities.

@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter @Kruselady @MaryMamuzich @Cherishingsparrows2020 @richardafaherty @Olamide @tanjaostman @daniel @bruster75 , grace and peace to you all. My husband and I just flew back to Philadelphia today from spending a wonderful, Christ-honoring time with my brothers family in Willow, Alaska for my nieces wedding. Wonderful times of worship and kingdom conversations. Now to get back into the stream of "normal" life, homeschooling , working on our house remodel with my husband and our 4 boys and a million other blessings from our Father's hand.

@tanjaostman , I certainly will be praying. You were in my heart when I read about this. Seems unusual in your country. Grace and peace from PA, USA.❤️

Please pray for the family of the killed 12-year-old, the wounded and the school affected by today's school shooting in Finland! Finland is know for its well functioning society (therefore we use to top different lists) and school system. BUT we have had a couple of terrible school shootings. Guns are not as easily accessible here as in the USA. The streets are safe, and I feel safe as a woman, children go to and from school on their own, but there is a lot of domestic violence.

The thing about Finland is that there are a lot of people who aren't doing well at all even if the society looks good on the surface - I think things have worsened because of the pandemic and Russian-Ukraine war. We have a long border with Russia, and we have an ugly history with Russia. And media is fear and war mongering every day. Some people just snap. PEOPLE NEED JESUS!

It was the supposed to be date night, but the sitter (22) told us that she couldn’t make it because she was going to the hospital because she thought she might be having a heart attack! Please keep her in your prayers. I took the family out to dinner and then the car broke down afterwards…It was actually a beautiful afternoon for car trouble. Glad I was there and that we have hospitals, tow trucks, and Ubers.🙂

Would value some urgent prayers

The car we were supplied by some Christian folk (when ours died) is still unusable as the UK tax people gave us advice to import it that they also state is we're now waiting for a manager to sort it out as we are not able to officially import the car at this time...which has already been brought into the UK!

And we've just been served with an eviction notice by our landlady

We don't know where to look to live and don't have a deposit or moving money (about £1,500 for us for both of those things)

And we have to be out by 4th June

Which leaves in all sorts of trouble and we're already very busy with our radio station growing well with God made miracle doors opening for us there repeatedly.

But we need a home that can facilitate the radio station, since we run it from our home.

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