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I so much agree. I first listened when the show was new and I still had small kids at home. Finally someone was pushing back on a national platform! Year after year he was there to steady our nerves as we saw the culture going downhill. Can't believe that big voice is gone; he will be greatly missed. Let's pray for his brother David Limbaugh, who is a devout Christian, and all the family.

Brand new here. Having trouble navigating. Watched the tutorial but didn't help much. Hope I can figure it out and meet new friends here. I am looking to encourage and be encouraged by brothers and sisters that have left the church system and are walking with Jesus on that lonely path. He's faithful and true. Bless His holy name.

@tanjaostman thank you for posting this. I feel for Soheila. I praise the Lord the work He's doing through her. I live in the UK, and the situation is similar, but I think not as bad as Sweden. "Remember what I told you: “A servant is not greater than his master.” If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also." (John 15:20) I was called to distribute scripture cards to Muslim areas in the UK.

This is Soheila Fors, a Kurdish woman born in Iran, living in Sweden, married to a Swedish man. In the second picture you see Soheila’s mother and aunt before the Islamic revolution. Soheila’s father was killed by the regime, and she was abused by her first (Iranian) husband. She met Jesus in her desperation. Soheila has started up several tea houses for immigrant women in Sweden, for fellowship and vocational training. That is too provoking for the Muslim men. She receives death threats on a regular basis. A fire bomb was thrown on their balcony. She doesn’t get enough help from the authorities. It’s a taboo in Sweden to criticize the immigration policy or Islam. Those who suffer the most are women from a Muslim background. They are not defended by the leftist feminists, since they don’t fit the narrative. Some experts say that Sweden is one of the countries in Europe with the highest levels of segregations. There are dozens of no-go-zones and in some areas the sharia law is practiced

Posted by our friend:

Please join us in praying for this missionary family in Brazil. Phil, the father has Covid and is doing poorly. The medivac team assessed him last evening and determined he was too sick to survive the trip. He’s in critical condition.

This dad is a close friend of several of our friends. Join us in praying for a miracle.

Please pray for our brother Voddie Baucham, a faithful minister of the Gospel. He recently discovered he has heart failure and is returning to the USA for tests and treatment. This is a bold and courageous warrior for the Lord. Join me in praying for his health and recovery!

Shalom brothers and sisters!
I'm not a fan of politics, but I'm quite able to discern right from wrong... and here in Italy, our Government (the only one we managed to vote for in the last 10 years...) just drop (don't know if it's the right word), and we are getting soon a new one entirely controlled by the Central Bank of Europe! 🎉 🎉
Plus, we are facing an unprecedented economical crisis! Many many people lost their jobs and there's much more unemployment coming...
Just pray for us please, that the Lord will send more workers in the field! There are not many true believers in this Country and in these moments and in the times ahead people will need the Real Love, the Real Truth, the Real Live which IS A REAL PERSON: JESUS, not a religion or a philosophy or a lifestyle!
Thank you so much for your prayers.
May the Lord bless you all ❤️

My youngest daughter was officially diagnosed with autism yesterday at 22 months old. I had my suspicions, but I'm still trying to process the ramifications.

Would you pray for my son? He has Asperger's and is easily influenced. He's off to college and wrestling with what he really believes spiritually. Even though he's at a "christian" college, there's no biblical feeding happening and instead, he was introduced to D&D groups (which, in my opinion, is witchcraft). He looks lost in his eyes and sad. He must walk this road and decide to choose Jesus while out on his own. It must be HIS relationship. His passion and choice. I know the promise God gave me for him: that his life was to be dedicated to God and he is a kingdom warrior! It will happen but I'm praying he doesn't take the long, hard road. Please pray that he chooses to remove himself from these D&D games and instead find other students who are a godly influence. Pray that he would encounter Jesus in a very real, personal way. Thank you. ❤️

Send you many blessings from the Italian mountains!
We are living rough times in Italy as well... But we trust that our Precious Lord is in control and --as always -- He will turn evil into Good for His Glory! ❤️

Pray for our friends in Myanmar and our leader, Dr. David Joy. They are experiencing a coup. Pray for the Lord to shine brighter! From Fox news, the military actually did something due to voter fraud in their November election: "Myawaddy TV, which is controlled by the military, announced the takeover and cited a section of the military-drafted constitution due to-voter fraud in last November's election and its failure to postpone the election because of the coronavirus crisis."

My husband left this earth on Saturday morning, died in his sleep 💔With a broken heart that only my Savior will be able to mend—- my best friend & husband (31yrs married). He was healthy. But he had an abnormal rare heart rhythm issue for many years. I thought we would grow old together. He was an example of God’s love to all who knew him. Because of him I could believe that God would love me forever. Right now my mind can’t comprehend my future without him. I appreciate your prayers.

It’s awesome to hear stories of our precious brothers and sisters around the world sharing the gospel and baptising in the precious name of Jesus!

Only this last week almost a dozen new believers were baptised in Bhutan. Please let’s continue to hold our brothers and sisters up in prayer 🙏🏻🙌🏻

Hey DingDash family - please give a HUGE warm welcome to our newest users @Janny, @truthseeker, @justinschultz, @Bruno, @PattersonGlenFarm, @Hannahteresesimpson, @Isdamama, @TheSchwiers, @Adelramzi, @Chivas12, @Darius, @Tommy, @Katharina, and @benrichrim90
We are a small group of believers from around the world. We are glad you have decided to join us at DingDash.

Please pray for the church in Sweden... fear of man seems to be bigger than the fear of God. We are only worshiping in our homes alone these days. I miss coming together in a churchbuilding with my brothers and sisters🙏💕

It's wonderful to be apart of this growing community. I've had a DD account for a bit but haven't taken a lot of time to navigate till now. Am finding the dings to be such an encouragement--- the kingdom is ours! So many of us need to know this largeness, especially in this socially distant time. Praying for Christ to have His increase among us! Thankyou @sinbach, and the many others, for carrying out your vision for this platform. Be blessed in Jesus' name!

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