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My wife and I are in CHRIST JESUS and HE's been our guide for many years through many dark times. Most of which are our own doing. Our adult daughter has cancer and is terminal. She loves THE LORD YSHUA and knows where she is going when HE calls her home. Our youngest son is severely mentally ill and is hospitalized at the writing of this message. All we are asking is for GOD's mercy and grace to be poured out upon our two children fighting for their lives. Please pray for Christina and Christopher.

People of God in your prayers, please do remember the Christians in Northern Nigeria: Pray against the very evil spirit of radical Islam..pray for the Nigerian Government to act to stop the killings and abductions...pray that the International Community would work to stop it!
Pray for the protection of Christians in Nigeria.. pray for those who are suffering. Thank you!

I just spoke to a friend in France. Macron has mandated the vaccine for all and a passport system. Consequences of disobedience include complete isolation, cannot go buy food or assemble.
Some people on both sides are protesting and getting violent.
Some Christians dont know what to do, and fear is prevalent.
Let's pray for France!
I'll be going there in August.

Today while driving we noticed a man who was in need of help! He had a 2 inch gash made by sheet metal right beside his eye! It is a miracle it did not slice his eye and render him blind! So we rushed him to emergency! His friend who came along asked us why we would help like this? And why would we not accept money for the drive? It’s was so wonderful to give him the answer! We are Christians and we cared about his friend when we saw he was cut and hurting! And we told him more! About how God cares about them! And it was His design and timing that we were there at the exact moment they needed help!

It was such a blessing! Please pray for him and his friend, that what they heard today will bless them! That God can reach down even more and bring them new life! Amen!

PLEASE PRAY FOR THIS FAMILY~! And all the firemen, police , ambulance, medical and frist responders as they are traumatized also.
They were having a bonfire when the dad went to add gasoline to the fire as it was not starting. And explosion happened and the Dad, Mom, 1 year old and 4 year old girl, and 6 year old boy were all injured. The children and mom have life threatening burns and the baby just died after surgery.

We were best friends in Canada with 2 of the first firefighters that arrived on scene and have been in contact. They are taking it very hard.

Jesus is doing incredible things - students being saved, set free, and set on fire for Christ!

7 have decided to follow Jesus and scores of others have made spiritual decisions to seek Jesus more deeply. Many have found freedom in Christ! Pray that even more find purpose in his mission in the days ahead!!!!

Hello, dear DD family ( haha, my husband and I are fans of Dunkin Donuts coffee otherwise known as DD).
I just want to thank you for your fellowship in the Lord. Life is full for our little family, as it is for each of you, and to find encouragement and uplifting words and prayer is precious. May Jesus find His increase in each of you as you end this week and begin the next.

For those of you who have followed our family vlog, we want you to know about what has happened.

Many members of Generation X feel that they are fatherless, spiritually homeless, and without a strong sense of national allegiance. Cynicism, corporate detachment, and national passivity have marked our generation. But something is waking up in our hearts at long last. Is this the year we see national revival?

Our daughter's surgery was just completed, but they're doing tap blocks and getting her out of anesthesia, so it's another 45 min or so until we see her. Your continued prayers are appreciated. They are sending some additional findings to pathology. But, God has been so faithful. We trust they will all be benign.

I'm requesting prayer tonight.
I'm feeling a little down and feeling the pressure of things around. My wife and our 4 children and I are planning on moving to Brazil in around 100 days from now. We believe we have heard from the Lord over a period of a few years.
We already have our plane tickets (SkyMiles used), we are working on moving out (less than 2 months remains on our lease), I still have a crud-ton of debt that I am believing for God to miraculously remove or help with so that I can leave no debt unpaid. I have not received exact details from the Lord on what I will be doing there (ministry or small store or both or import/export).
A little background: I was invited to preach in Brazil a little over 10 years ago and went towards the end of 2011, well needless to say, the Holy Ghost revealed to us that the Pastor's daughter would be my wife (on the day before leaving from a 2 week mission), and almost 10 years later, we are 9 (happy) years married and have 4 children......

Some more fun with the Gesslers. Pray for us, please, as we start a mission trip today!

In Nigeria, Christian persecution rose by 60% last year and nearly half of Christians killed for their faith worldwide were killed in Nigeria.
Our brothers and sisters need our prayers.

Ramadan Prayer for Muslims Day 3: Pray for the Fulbe Futa People of Gambia and the Bronx

"During her prayer walks, Kady meets Muslins in restaurants or near their mosques, shares spiritual truths, and prays for them. Even though English is her third language, she started offering English classes for her community..."

Learn more:

Prayers appreciated. My family and I are going through a time of testing. May we be faithful and experience anew the faithfulness of God. Physical healing for my daughter, healing of difficult relationships in extended family, and that we grow more in the likeness of Christ as we look to Him, are some of the petitions I'm lifting to the throne of grace.

I recently went thru the 30 days for the persecuted church that was posted by . I'm currently doing the 30 day devotional by BTJ. I'm struck by the difference in the measure of faith exhibited between the western church culture and the Chinese underground church culture. A few step out like David Wilkerson, Billy Graham, Oral Roberts, but not so many of late. We seem to be waiting for a priest to do it for us in the western church. We all have gifts and callings, but possibly not having been mentored as Eli did with Samuel telling him to personally respond, "Speak Lord, I'm listening!". We only want to hear from prophets that tickle our ears and pay no attention that their words continue to hit the ground. We don't recognize the still small voice. Do we take Matthew 6:33 to heart and truly seek HIM?.

🙏Urgent Prayers Needed 🙏
guys, as soon as I arrived back in Dubai, I had several messages from our team in North Korea.
They are begging for food and supplies. Things are REALLY bad right now inside North Korea.
I will be posting more details soon, but for now.... pls pray.

'Please join me in praying for Dr. James Coates. Pastor of GraceLife Church in Edmonton Alberta Canada. I just received this update from his bride, Erin!

Please pray and share as this type of tyranny and evil MUST be exposed!!' - @ChrisHuff -

Thank you for praying for this precious miracle! She weight 5lbs 2oz. My daughter Lisa is still in surgery and I believe she is way better than the doctors thought she'd be. I will update when I hear more. Thank you for praying!!

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