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Please pray for the 'Gypsies' / Teny dwellers of the world!
(Representative picture from open source).

Our hot water making machine is keeping us warm. Night time there was electricity with proper voltage to recharge our phones. Parked our vehicle inside a walled campus and visiting places in Motorcycles. Comparitively good village roads.

Heard encouraging stories, how previous teams blessed these tiny churches through various training they imparted.
One young lady had a dream , in which she saw herself acquiring a new skill through the visiting team. Now she uses that income generation skill to support her family and local house church.

Thanks for praying.

This week, the Afghani Islamic leadership sent out elite troops known as Haqqani on a 'search and destroy' mission to kill any Christian leaders they could find.
Believers remain in hiding, and desperately need our prayers.

@MaryMamuzich @Berrybunchfamily

Thanks so much. Knowing that there are brothers and sisters who pray for us is of great encouragement and, beyond that, we believe that God answers the prayers of his children. God bless you.

WE HAVE TESTED POSITIVE! I've had mild flu symptoms since last Thursday. I took a home test on Fri, that showed negative. I've been working so far this week, but felt tired, and worked shorter days. My husband had fever one night a couple of days ago, but he's been working as well (you don't easily stop him from working, as he has lots of deadlines and meetings). Our son (13 yrs old) has stayed home from school for two days because of symptoms, and last night he got fever. He's still got quite high fever. Tonight my husband wanted to take home tests, and we all three tested positive. None of us are injected with mRNA or have any particular health issues or diagnoses - so our immune systems are probably intact. But please remember us in your prayers anyway - especially Edvin who has fever!

I have a lot of friends and church relationships in Ukraine. Just got a message from Pastor Sasha...

Hello Todd !
Hope you are alive and well !
Things are getting spooky here a bit , couple of embassies are evacuating their families out of Ukraine. Also a few airlines are not leaving their planes over night. Flying in and a few hours later left. Russian army now because of conquering Belarus last couple of months is less than 100 miles from Kiev/in Belarus But overall there is no panic - praise God !
Please continue to pray as I know you do !

Please pray for a small team traveling!
10/40 Window.
(Representative pictures from open sources).

A second update about my friend Mikael who is still in hospital. Unfortunately they won't let him go because his oxygen saturation is too low. They wanted to put him in IC on ventilator - exactly what's not a good solution (according to many). Both him and his wife have refused it, and it seems like the doctors have respected it if I understood it correctly (we discuss in a Telegram group). His CRP was 84 some hours ago. His wife wrote that they won't let her visit him. We wrote that she should demand that, because she is married to him, and has just recovered from C-19. There is so much strange things going on when it comes to C-19. Why put him on a ventilator when they just have started to give him antibiotics for his pneunomia? And then they report the news about how many unvaccinated they have in IC. Please, pray for a quick recovery and for protection from harmful interventions!

Please pray for a friend of mine (middle aged) with covid! He's Christian and has asked for prayer. High fever for almost a week. He has taken Ivermectin, Zink, vit D etc. He's not vaccinated (if it matters, since they are so ineffective). He is going to check his lungs at the hospital today. I have no idea what protocol they use for covid, if it helps or if it only boils down to a person's own immunity.

@Williams_girl Thank you, so much! We have needed your prayers! The Lord was speaking to you. Thank you for praying!
We were hit VERY hard with the stomach bug and several other things two days ago

This is dated and a bit long, but I couldn't help but make so many comparisons with our day as I watched this representation of Christian persecution in the former Soviet Union with my boys today. May God's Spirit fall fresh on us in this generation with fresh courage!

Just an observation understanding that causation and correlation are not the same.
I spent xmas in a cabin with my parents and siblings.
Everyone got the rhona....well almost everyone.
I got it. two boys and wife got it (confirmed with test). My step-dad got it.
We are all v@xed. My shots were in October and my stepdad just had the booster last month and he was so bad that he was taken into surgery and is currently in the urgent care wing of the Ball Memorial Hospital.
My unv@xed mother is five years older than my step-dad and only had the sniffles. She was over it in a day. My unv@xed sister - yep, she did NOT get it at all.
So....on a personal level....the record in our family for those with the jab is less than underwhelming.

May you all know the fullness of God's love and the power of His Spirit in this new year!

Listen to what's going on in Australia! Hailey was sent to 14 days of internment camp - protected by high fences and police. She never even tested positive. She was put there as a punishment for lying to the police that she had taken the test, even if she hadn't. She had been around a person who tested positive, and police was knocking on her door. She got scared and said that she had had the test.

An mRNA vaccine nearly killed a friend of mine. Embolisms in his fucking neck and four clots in his arm alone. Has to not work for 3 months (unpaid) on blood thinners or they could break free and reach his brain. Was required by his job to take it, yet has no one he can hold legally liable for his weeks of pain or lost income.

Dunno how to describe my feelings without coming off as some internet toughguy here, but it's gotten personal. I'm over playing nice with zero-empathy puppets running defense for corporate profit schemes.

@faith20 The Lord will stand with His faithful ones, be encouraged!

I've got a disciplinary warning letter from my employer today.
My mask wasn't all tight and I refused to yo daily nose-testing, but instead bought saliva-tests. Didn't work.
In Germany they can't fire you that fast, but there's a new law coming which makes it impossible to do certain jobs unvaccinated.
That's the latest date I expect to get fired.

Insanity rules worldwide.
But God rules over insanity.

Be encouraged everyone!

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