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Thank you so much for your message! Praying that many others will watch too either alone or together with their families. 🙏 🙏 🙏

I said/tried ro say on Gettr that I don't know how much people have read/researched this, but someone should SERIOUSLY look into it.

Leo Zagami broke these news in his newest book:

"Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 7: From the Occult Roots of the Great Reset to the Populist Roots of The Great Reject":

"Chapter One

Resettling the herd for the Great Reset
The Rise of the Fourth Reich
The Sabbatean Frankist Involvement and the QAnon PSYOP
From QAnnon to the Metaverse Courtesy of Cyber Satan
The Not So "Great" King Satan and Mr. Klaus
How the Club of Rome and Nazism Influenced the World Economic Forum"

Amazon -> Look Inside, maybe 50-60% of Chapter 1 can be read.

If f.ex. QAnon is a PSYOP [something like a intelligence/millitary-related PSYchological OPeration] (books written about such things), if it is a trap of sorts, it should be researched, uncovered, avoided! A friendly warning from someone who read that part lately.

@tymektt alot going here in Nigeria. Fuel high in most places.
Missions and Evangelism is going great...His Kingdom advancing.
We were in a predominantly Muslim village last week for 3 days...28 Muslims were part of the souls won to the Lord ...on the 2nd day, thugs with guns came and interrupted our meeting after the sermon!!!!!!!!......tried intimidating us...Very exciting!!!!!
My Team says we should go back there next month!!!!!!
GLORY to God!!

So, today was the first day that Polish citizens could hear rockets falling on the Ukrainian territory...

My neighbor was on the border when the Russians hit the military base, he clearly saw tens of rockets falling down, bringing death and destruction to our friends.

You HAVE to be filled the Holy Spirit to be able to respond with Bibles and not Bombs.

Do you want to pray?

Pray for the fire of revival spreading through Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia.

Pray for the precious innocent, refugees. CMM members Justyna and Rafal Swiatek are in Poland and their church is welcoming and sharing Jesus. Many are in tears and need HOPE! Read our latest update here. Pray and as the Lord leads give today to help urgently. Many are in tears and need HOPE!

Please pray for the president of Finland who will make a phone call to Putin tomorrow! (Last week he visited the White House). As I shared earlier, president Niinistö might be the head of a state that has had the most frequent meetings with Mr Putin. One of the reasons for that might be that Finland is a buffer state between Russia and the West. We have had no other choice than to understand Russia, and to have a dialogue with them... This has been critizised by some Swedes, but these days Sweden is turning to Finland for advice and help.

Joel 1:16 Our food is gone. Joy and happiness are gone from the Temple of our God. 17 We planted seeds, but the seeds became dry and dead lying in the soil. Our plants are dry and dead. Our barns are empty and falling down.

18 The animals are hungry and groaning. The herds of cattle wander around confused because they have no grass to eat. The sheep are dying.[b] 19 Lord, I am calling to you for help. Fire has changed our green fields into a desert. Flames have burned all the trees in the field. 20 Wild animals also need your help. The streams are dry—there is no water! Fire has changed our green fields into a desert.

@Pablito we could play this game all day long talking about the failure of leadership, but let's not piss around the bush here - PUTIN has been shutting down churches, persecuting believers, attacking Christians, and hunting evangelists. Human trafficking? Russia is a top TIER 3 nation for human trafficking - the top rating that you can get - according to a study conducted by Ivanka Trump. We just brought a team of Russian believers together last month to find ways around the Russian government persecution because it has gotten so bad under Putin. What Russia is doing in the Ukraine is supported by China, North Korea, and Iran - that should give you all the information you need to know - right there. Russia is supporting operations in Syria to attack Israel - yes the land of Magog is attacking Israel, but no please, tell me more about how the Prez of the Ukraine, a Jew coming from a family that died in the Holocaust and is now fighting for his nation is just as bad as Putin.

Let's keep our eyes on Jesus. HE is the Victor! There is so much brokeness in this world. I was driving to an appointment with a sister from my local fellowship and learned that someone had been shot near the intersection at the end of our block. After this appointment I'm supposed to visit an elderly lady who called me and is feeling suicidal. I did speak to her to let her know I plan to come soon and she assured me she will be there. Jesus is our only hope in this world!

We are living in an era in which there is no time to prepare for an event that happens another one even worse than the previous one.

May God prepare His entire Church to align with the prophetic times we are living in. It is no longer time to "be on a cruise ship".

Stiamo vivendo in un'epoca nella quale non si fa in tempo a prepararsi ad un evento che ne succede un altro ancora peggiore del precedente.

Che Dio possa preparare la Sua Chiesa intera ad allinearsi ai tempi profetici che stiamo vivendo. Non è più tempo di "stare su una nave da criciera".

It occurs to ne as I see more and more such disturbing news coming out of Russia, it seems we should be praying specifically for Vladimir Putin: that there be a natural change of heart in this man...please Lord God touch him!

This was posted on Facebook by the ministry 8thirty8:
"Dear friends, as we pray for Ukraine, let's also lift up our brothers and sisters in Russia. We received this update from a Russian friend this week."
"Please remember to pray for us here in Russia too! We are broken and hurting. But there are many believers here. We are continuing to preach the gospel and comfort people and encourage them to look to God! We have to look at God and go through this fiery furnace. Please pray for us believers in Russia who are trying to change our country from the inside out. One person at a time. We will preach the Gospel and God's love!" Message clipped. I didn't post the prayer from 8thirty8 due to space constraint.

‘Do not fear, for I am with you;
Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you, surely I will help you,
Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’
— Isaiah 41:10
From last night I have been hit with a spell of major fatique, which hasn't happened fir a while. I am running on empty. My writing may not be up to standard, but I will keep leaning on Him.

The coming night and tomorrow day are critical moments. At stake is everything, what the whole civilisized world believes and what it has built so far.

With tears in our eyes we request you, no matter on what time zone you are in, to spend time in prayer and fasting in front of God. 🙏

Pray the Lord to protect us from insane armies, which wants to mock at the cost of faith and God's truth.

We ask you to share this message to all your friends, relatives and acquaintances in Europe, Asia, America and all over the world!

Prayer is stronger than the strongest enemy🙏🙏🙏!

Your brothers and sisters from Ukraine 💙💛
Through it all, I'm learning to trust my Jesus. So glad I know Him.
Sharing some encouragement with all of you this Sunday evening.

BTJ just finished hosting our annual Hackers Conference.
Just WOW❗
This year we had hackers from all around the world meet up in the Middle East and dream of the newest ways to invade the enemy's territory with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and set the captives free.
This is a Great Day to complete the Great Commission.

I saw this posted somewhere else and am sharing that we can pray. We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but praise God that the Blood of Jesus had defeated the enemy! The enemy is angry and doing whatever he can in earth to kill, steal, and destroy. The USA needs JESUS, as do the nations everywhere.

Pray for Ukraine! I received this message from Pastor Sasha, near Kiev...

Hi Todd !
As from today , Ukraine will be going perhaps through the most dangerous 10-14 days with regard to full size war with Russia. Today Russia and Belarus began in Belarus (only 100 miles up north from Kiev) military maneuvers with a huge army (around 130.000 soldiers)

With this we also see absolutely crazy propaganda within Russia to prepare their general public for a full size war.

Also Russia makes every day more and more crazy demands to Ukraine and West, to deescalate this situation (like we / Ukraine now has to send back to the west all weapons that we got last couple of weeks)
Overall it’s a spooky feeling !
BUT - there is no panic here as for today ! We keep standing and believing God for protection!
Please remember Ukraine even more so in your prayers these next 10 days!

Thanks for being there for us !

Colorado State offers help to anyone "affected by free speech."
This sign offers students 17 resources to help them if they have been affected by free speech.
Universities are treating Free speech as if it is a disease or violence affecting students.
Do not be fooled - the enemy's first attack when he takes over an areas is to stop free speech. Preaching the Gospel and sharing the Word is essential to complete the Great Commission. This is why China, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, Iran WILL NOT - CANNOT allow free speech. An attack on free speech is ALWAYS a direct attack on completing the Great Commission, to prolong Satan's time on earth. 😥

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