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A beautiful view from our lounge window.

The day has begun, and the is very much up and busy today.

Jo's been at her office a good long while already. Washing is on the line. Dishwasher is on and the kitchen tidied. Fireplace is cleaned and refreshed for this evening.

The boys have all been beavering on their home ed for quite a while now too.

And, very excitingly for me, I recorded 4 X Andy B 2 Minute Videos last night in our new studio set up (SO much easier now!!!!!!!) and I'm super excited to edit them later - they'll be published from Monday next week. Which means we're properly back at it again 😊😎

The porridge I made is keeping me warm and set me up for a busy day. No cycling today not back up to daily trips out just yet!

Did I mention we're loving the new home?!? And having slave to breathe out 😌

Andy B

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Pray for Ukraine! I received this message from Pastor Sasha, near Kiev...

Hi Todd !
As from today , Ukraine will be going perhaps through the most dangerous 10-14 days with regard to full size war with Russia. Today Russia and Belarus began in Belarus (only 100 miles up north from Kiev) military maneuvers with a huge army (around 130.000 soldiers)

With this we also see absolutely crazy propaganda within Russia to prepare their general public for a full size war.

Also Russia makes every day more and more crazy demands to Ukraine and West, to deescalate this situation (like we / Ukraine now has to send back to the west all weapons that we got last couple of weeks)
Overall it’s a spooky feeling !
BUT - there is no panic here as for today ! We keep standing and believing God for protection!
Please remember Ukraine even more so in your prayers these next 10 days!

Thanks for being there for us !

davereimer boosted

CMM College of Theology helps people who want to grow in passion and hunger for the Lord learn to think and study in fresh ways so that they can fulfill their destiny and build the kingdom of God in the sphere of influence in which they are called. Unlike other schools who define their student achievements by the knowledge they can recite; we build, edify, and encourage through thought-provoking work to develop depth, authority, and revelation. It is challenging; it is personal and it is powerful and you don’t want to miss it! See what friendship learning is all about today. If you are a student or graduate of our school please post comments below.

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We spent some time with some special folks from China this week!

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sorry. i couldn't help it.
I honestly LOL'd when I read this

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Good morning peoples around the world.

Washing on the line and a s come load in the machine. The dishwasher is purring away. Got Jo a coffee in a flask for Jo to take with her, who is already beavering away in her office (with her lovely new team - honestly, that warms my heart!)

My 2nd mug of earl grey tea is in my hand, and poached eggs on toast are about to be happily consumed.

A cycle is planned for later for me, and some looking over the two books I've currently got underway.

The day is well and truly underway!

Andy B

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Is God with you?

I was a reading a post by a good friend this morning – Alan – over on his blog, Devotional Treasures. He titled it “The folly of doing it your way“. As is his usual approach, there was a scripture at the beginning, which I read, and then he took some time to bring the scripture to life in his ever unique style.

It was taken from the Old Testament (Numbers 14:40-45 NASB), but is still a fairly familiar piece of scripture. I’m not gonna give a summary of it here. Read the scripture for yourself, or, even better, go read Alan’s post!

Anyway, the last half of one verse really jumped out at me this morning:

"Do not go up, or you will be struck down before your enemies, for the Lord is not among you."

Read the rest of this post on our website -->

Andy B


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"Not that I have already obtained, or am already made perfect; but I press on, if it is so that I may take hold of that for which also I was taken hold of by Christ Jesus.
Brothers, I don’t regard myself as yet having taken hold, but one thing I do: Forgetting the things which are behind, and stretching forward to the things which are before, ​I press on toward the goal for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

Nevertheless, to the extent that we have already attained, let us walk by the same rule. Let us be of the same mind."

- Phil. 3: 12-14, 16

Let's run the race, "press on towards the goal", together as brothers and sisters!
No matter how far we have come, all that matters is that we're on the same narrow path. 🙏❤

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Doing our first tour together next month!
The book is coming out on International Women's Day and Mariam Ibraheem's testimony is going to take the church by storm and inspire believers around the world.
Can't wait.

davereimer boosted

Amazing food. Irreplaceable friends. Unforgettable memories.
BTJ ambassadors come from all over the world to support the vision of the underground house church and our annual gatherings have forever impacted my life.

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