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May you all know the fullness of God's love and the power of His Spirit in this new year!

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davereimer boosted

Enjoy this offering as you get a glimpse into 2022 with us! I hope you plan on traveling with us.

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Stop the spread of misinformation?
Sounds familiar somehow.

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Wishing all Dingdashers a Happy New Year! 🍾❄🎊🎆 We live in uncertain times in many ways, and don't know what the future holds - but we know who holds the future. Some of you live under more pressure than others. I pray for peace in your hearts! It's easier said than done, and I am learning myself to trust the Lord when it comes to things I worry about.

Most of us have felt more isolated the last almost two years. I worked from home during 1,5 years, except from the fall of 2021 (and will continue in Jan). I haven't traveled outside of Finland and Sweden for 2 years. We haven't attended big events. It's strange and frustrating. I've learnt to love nature even more. I took this picture yesterday close to home, and this untouched snow and vast forest almost made me cry. We have enjoyed this beautiful white winter ever since around Nov 20th. This dark time of the year (light for appr. 4 hours) can be depressing if it's raining, as some winters.

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It's a New Year, so let it go!

It’s been lovely seeing both the personal, and generic messages, from friends and family, wishing everyone a Happy New Year.

So, Happy New Year from the BerryBunch!
Happy New Year, 2022

But, as you’d expect from me, I had a thought that was less to do with the upcoming 12 months, and more to do with last 12 instead.

It’s great to have goals, dreams and ambitions. But, I was struck by the sadness, and emptiness, of one post that basically said they hoped we all got what we wanted in the coming year.

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This is extremely upsetting! Maddie participated in the Pfizer vaccine trial for 12-15 year olds, when she was 12. She had 35 adverse reactions during the trial (she sits in a wheelchair in this clip), but as is told by her mother during this hearing only some of them (the mildest) were reported in the scientific paper. They were withholding the truth. That is lying.

I am so sick and tired of all suffering due to all lies and corruption regarding covid-19. Evil people are ruling this world. Lord, help us! 🙏

davereimer boosted

As I look back at 2021 I realize the Ding Dash family has made a difference my life in the past year. I may not be able to list each one individually, but I want to name a few specific examples. @Olamide has not only added laughter as well as an awareness of prayer needs in Nigeria, but has helped me (and my husband as well) to find great cell phones that have served us well for months now. Thank you so much!!! My family has tried Yorkshire Puddings, thanks to the @Berrybunchfamily. Before their sharing here on Ding Dash I had no idea of such a dish. They have also been a blessing in prayer and encouraging words many, many times. I've also enjoyed learning more about their part of the world. While their children's videos are geared to children slightly younger than my own, I find Dave the Dog amusing and admire the family's perseverance in this ministry in spite of the obstacles they face. @TakeN is an amazing photographer and his riddles are fun to solve. I'm blessed by *continued

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davereimer boosted

Part 2
I'm blessed by the way certain aspects of God's creation are highlighted by his creativity with the photos.
@MaryMamuzich is such a prayer warrior and always seems to have just the right words to say. I'm glad you've been a part of my 2021 and your support along with so many others over my daughter's health crisis meant more than I know how to express.
@weavers4jesus love for others and boldness has been an encouragement. They persevere through joy, sorrow, and disappointment, but continue to pour out their lives for Jesus and others.
@sinbach has shared info not often found elsewhere and discusses topics and viewpoints that are unique. I appreciate the way he challenges my thinking at times and other times puts into words what I was already thinking!
@Chidiotamiri shares inspiring and challenging thoughts that are also unique and can be thought provoking at times, challenging at times, and encouraging at times.
@DevotionalTreasures is also a prayer warrior who *continues

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IMPORTANT interview!
Please get your family and friends to watch!
3 hours worth every second!

Dr. Robert Malone and Joe Rogan #1757 FULL Interview (December 31, 2021)




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puts others needs before his own. His devotionals are Christ centered and have been a real blessing to me, especially in difficult times! God BLESS you, my brother and meet your every need. It has also been interesting to learn a bit more about your country.
@tanjaostman I have loved learning more about Finland! I also feel a special kinship with you as we've experienced similar health challenges as well as sharing a love for seeing God's Kingdom advance over the earth, connecting with God's people around the world, learning about other countries, having a preference for natural healthcare, having a love for nature, etc... I'm so glad for how you've enriched my life.
@faith20 has been a real blessing in standing strong for Jesus and his personal convictions and encouraging others in the midst of his own trials. God bless you in 2022 and while weeping has endured for the night, may you soon experience the joy that comes in the morning!

davereimer boosted

I love this verse and someone needs to hear this today:

"Worthy are You, our Lord and our God, to receive glory and honor and power; for You created all things, and because of Your will they existed and were created." Revelation 4:11

You are not a mistake. You exist because God wanted you too. You are God's intentional design. Do not throw away God's beautiful and worthwhile creation. You were imagined by God, fashioned by God, and redeemed by God.

Because of God's will, you exist and were created. Do not resist God's will. Live your life, embrace your life, and trust in God's redemptive, forgiving power.

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@tanjaostman Joe Rogan I now the largest megaphone in the world for an honest discussion

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"Dr. Robert Malone is the inventor of the nine original mRNA vaccine patents, which were originally filed in 1989 (including both the idea of mRNA vaccines and the original proof of principle experiments) and RNA transfection. Dr. Malone, has close to 100 peer-reviewed publications which have been cited over 12,000 times. Since January 2020, Dr. Malone has been leading a large team focused on clinical research design, drug development, computer modelling and mechanisms of action of repurposed drugs for the treatment of COVID-19. Dr. Malone is the Medical Director of The Unity Project, a group of 300 organisations across the US standing against mandated COVID vaccines for children. He is also the President of the Global Covid Summit, an organisation of over 16,000 doctors and scientists committed to speaking truth to power about COVID pandemic research and treatment."

@sinbach more on this deplatforming topic that you have written about on BTJ!

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davereimer boosted

Betty is about to turn 100 next month.
She says her secret to long life is avoid eating anything green.
Sounds like good advice to me.

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Jihadists Decapitate Pastor, Force Wife to Carry His Severed Head
According to military sources, suspected Islamic extremists decapitated a pastor in Cabo Delgado, Mozambique last Wednesday, and forced his wife to carry his head to the police station.
Dec 20, 2021

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