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lynnexxa boosted

Prayers are welcome for a 32 year old disciple living in our home (my husband had the privilege of sharing Jesus with him 11 months ago and afterward he was baptized and has been very eager to learn more of God's Word and share with others). Right now he is going through COVID. The rest of our family is fine. We had this sickness a year ago and I believe our immune response has been very good, praise God. Of course, we are still trying to do what we can to remain healthy. But, I wanted to ask your prayers for our family and especially for this brother in our home.

lynnexxa boosted

@KarlGessler thankyou.

we're all still utterly dreadful. Energyless. Lifeless.

Seeing the boys so low is horrible.

Jo and I have a proper nasty taste in our mouths, which makes eating anything without feeling more sick a huge obstacle

Can't taste anything either. Its a bizarre situation!

We are all up today (yesterday I couldn't find the strength to get out of bed) although today I've had a shower and a tiny bit of scrambled egg...the most I've eaten in a couple of days

lynnexxa boosted
lynnexxa boosted

Tears fall. Today was already hard for many reasons. But tonight I saw this picture and tears fell like a silent waterfall.
This is little YuanHao. He was a precious little baby who was born with anal atresia ( no opening). He was cruelly brought to the brink of death 3 times before we got the phone call asking if we would care for him! In this picture he is almost a year old. When we got him he only weighed 6.5 lbs at 9 months of age. With love and care he learned to smile, and even laugh.
We got the blessing of loving him until he went to heaven due to internal organ failure.
It’s amazing how there is always a place in our hearts for each child we care for that will never go away.
🌹And can still bring tears🌹

See the before picture and after:

lynnexxa boosted

Keep us down in Louisiana in your prayers. Lots of devastation

lynnexxa boosted

From our "on the ground" partner in Laos. Since January until now. Ready for this??
1. 24,361 have heard the gospel
2. 4,671 have been saved. (1 in 5 who heard)
3. 1,792 Baptized (2 in 5 saved get baptized)
4. 134 new discovery discipleship groups
5. 57 new house churches planted
6. 1689 leaders trained.
7. Jesus glorified.

Amen???!!!!!! Pray for Laos. Pray for AIM1040.COM AS we continue to focus on those who have never heard. Love you all.

lynnexxa boosted

This is concerning for ALL Christians.
APPLE is using access to photos, messages, and videos on iPhones and iCloud to report criminals, but could their cozy relationship with China change what crimes they report?

lynnexxa boosted

Please join us in praying for Ethiopia. The Tigray People’s Liberation Front have recently taken the ancient city of Lalibela.

The churches of Lalibela date back to the 12th century and are carved out in the mountains. The rock churches are a monument to the strength and endurance of the faith. Now, this ancient city and the nation of Ethiopia needs our prayers.

lynnexxa boosted

Prayers for financial miracles needed. The LORD has just told me to sit and believe him for the increase. I would appreciate agreement in prayer.

"The pandemic is officially behind us in most states."
Frontline Doctors promote the Normal Symbol for businesses that are back to normal.

lynnexxa boosted

PLEASE PRAY FOR THIS FAMILY~! And all the firemen, police , ambulance, medical and frist responders as they are traumatized also.
They were having a bonfire when the dad went to add gasoline to the fire as it was not starting. And explosion happened and the Dad, Mom, 1 year old and 4 year old girl, and 6 year old boy were all injured. The children and mom have life threatening burns and the baby just died after surgery.

We were best friends in Canada with 2 of the first firefighters that arrived on scene and have been in contact. They are taking it very hard.

lynnexxa boosted

Today while driving we noticed a man who was in need of help! He had a 2 inch gash made by sheet metal right beside his eye! It is a miracle it did not slice his eye and render him blind! So we rushed him to emergency! His friend who came along asked us why we would help like this? And why would we not accept money for the drive? It’s was so wonderful to give him the answer! We are Christians and we cared about his friend when we saw he was cut and hurting! And we told him more! About how God cares about them! And it was His design and timing that we were there at the exact moment they needed help!

It was such a blessing! Please pray for him and his friend, that what they heard today will bless them! That God can reach down even more and bring them new life! Amen!

lynnexxa boosted

My youngest.
His new home.
God has amazing plans for this young man.

lynnexxa boosted

To my global family,
This message feels so urgent. I had a dream that I don't remember, only I was aware that I'd been shown an illustration of the scripture where the Kingdom of Heaven is like yeast, it's hidden but is doing its work. It CANNOT be undone! It WILL have its effect. When I awoke later, I was pondering the dream and immediately the scripture came to me, (Psalm 126:6) where the one who goes out weeping, carrying the precious seed of the Gospel will INDEED return with joy, carrying the sheaves of the harvest. The words CANNOT FAIL were strongly impressed upon my heart and mind. So, brothers and sisters, please be reminded that your labors in Christ are NOT in vain. This message was so emphatically impressed upon me that I feel there may be someone in particular who has invested so much and is wondering if it's making an impact. People are giving their lives and is it in vain? No. You CANNOT fail when you are sowing the precious seed of God's Word.

lynnexxa boosted

@tymektt @mensajero @LukoseGeorge
Our team is praying for regularly.
An unique Himalayan Nation!
People are friendly, living expenses are not notoriously expensive like other tourist driven economies.
Easy access to Tibet, India, Pakistan and even China.

lynnexxa boosted

Children at Christian schools are being targeted.
Why aren't we hearing about it?
1,000 children have been abducted this year alone.
Why aren't we hearing about it?
More Christians were killed in Nigeria last year by Muslim gunmen than any other place in the world.
Why aren't we hearing about it?
I am doing a podcast with our Nigerian partner Olamide Olly Dawson today to learn more about what is happening and how we can raise the awareness with the Christian Body. NIGERIA - YOU ARE NOT FORGOTTEN.

lynnexxa boosted

Praying family, I just found out my cousin's daughter was just diagnosed with the same condition (teratoma) that my daughter had. She is almost 8 years old. Please pray for her and for her family as well. My 10 year old daughter is continuing to recover at an amazing speed. It's truly an answer to prayer and blessing from our Heavenly Father. We are so grateful!

lynnexxa boosted

Send labourers with Your heart - intercessors who are mechanics, intercessors who are IT specialists, intercessors who are administrators, intercessors to strategically man all stations
Lord send angels with certified documents/approvals
Father replenish the supply of bibles
Let Your Spirit choose and anoint every bible selected for distribution -each bible given we ask for it to yield a 100 fold increase
Hand pick and release a distribution team who is sound in faith, well rested, obedient to Christ, bold, emotionally balanced and mentally and physically strong.
Father we ask You to dispatch intercessors and angels all along the distribution routes to remove all hindrances and prepare the path.
But above all Father, do something new, unexpected, unheard of to fully saturate this outreach with Your felt presence. Where Your presence is we see Your Word, Your provision and Your authority.
We ask according to Your will. In Jesus name we ask. Amen

lynnexxa boosted

It is the day after Father's Day and I am troubled. I can't stop my heart from aching for all the Families who's Daddy is in jail becuase of his Faith in God! Becuase he is a Christian he can not be with his children. And on Father's Day, they sit alone....without their Daddy......


lynnexxa boosted

Loving God, Your desire is for our wholeness and well being.
We hold in tenderness and prayer the collective suffering of our world at this time.
We grieve precious lives lost and vulnerable lives threatened.
We ache for ourselves and our neighbors, standing before an uncertain future.
We pray: may love, not fear, go viral.
Inspire our leaders to discern and choose wisely, aligned with the common good.
Help us to practice social distancing and reveal to us new and creative ways to come together in spirit and in solidarity.
Call us to profound trust in your faithful presence,
You, the God who does not abandon.

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