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Eric G boosted
Eric G boosted
Eric G boosted

马太福音 5:3  Chinese UV (Simplified) --> 虚心的人有福了!因为天国是他们的。 

Mat 5:3 (ERV) --> "Great blessings belong to those who know they are spiritually in need. God's kingdom belongs to them."

Mateus 5.3 (ARA) --> "Bem-aventurados os humildes de espírito, porque deles é o reino dos céus."

Eric G boosted

So far we’ve only raised 170 of the 1000 for the wedding. We are doing what we can do to make it cheaper.

Eric G boosted
Eric G boosted

It's not often that we get a letter from the church in Afghanistan that we are free to post, but this is a special situation.
The letter in it's entirety will be posted on our website tomorrow:

Eric G boosted
Eric G boosted
Eric G boosted

We are so blessed and thankful to the Lord. To God be all the glory for thousands of miracles, breakthroughs, and lives transformed by the Seven Spirits of God in many nations in the CMM Global Family. CMM was founded in 1978, and in 1998, Jorge was asked to lead CMM. What a journey of the Lord leading our steps and introducing us to amazing friends in the remnant of the Lord joining together. We are excited for our future, walking in the joy of the Lord together. (at about 10.5 minutes the volume is adjusted to hear well.)

Eric G boosted
Eric G boosted
Eric G boosted
Eric G boosted

Deadly Floods in Afghanistan Claim More Than 60 Lives – URGENT Help Needed

Deadly floods smashed regions of Afghanistan last week, according to our partners on the ground.

The capital city, Kabul, the Maidan Wardak, and Ghazni provinces have all seen massive torrents of flash floods destroying houses, wrecking crops, and killing livestock. According to unconfirmed reports on the ground, more than 60 people have lost their lives in the floods.

This comes at a time when the nation is still reeling from the economic disaster of the Taliban takeover. Afghanistan is suffering from war, drought, famine, and tyrannical Islamic rule. On top of that, they are now suffering from floods.

BTJ is sending emergency funding to our partners.

Help is urgently needed. To help with this effort please click below. 100% of all donated funds will be sent to Afghanistan to help the flood victims.

Eric G boosted

Nadira Nagy will be helping us expand the business portion of the the Master of Ministry degee.
Nadira Nagy has three beautiful children with her husband Alan of 17 years. After 10 years in corporate america, she was called out radically to serve God. Nadira Nagy worked for an international ministry four years, then transitioned to education. She is currently teaching High School students Entrepreneurship, a course she helped create and developed which started in 2018. She also teaches Biblical worldview and is the Guidance Advisor to a k-12 private school. She is the Youth Minister Assistant Director at her local church. Her passion is to see the body of Christ at large in love with the secret place. Cultivating a lifestyle of holiness that will pour from the inside out, to impact the Nations for the message of Jesus Christ.

Eric G boosted

Safe arrival! On time, normal delivery.
Thank you for praying.
Both Mom, baby ( and all of us ) are doing well 😂 ❤️

Eric G boosted

"Give believers of their daily bread, please! Easy and free communication with those who are in relief camps and those who are wandering in the forest to escape mistreatment and false legal cases.

Eric G boosted

Masks don't work (studies show they are harmful), lock downs don't work (studies show they are harmful), mRNA "vaccines" don't work (studies show they are harmful) and the treatments they have given in hospitals in the Western don't work (studies show they are harmful). I am prone to believe those who say this is a PLandemic, and the plan was to harm humanity - not to help and heal. I am not in the medical field, but still I understand, and understood from the beginning, that things weren't done properly. I'm not in the medical field, but I have hundreds of scientific articles in my computer. I don't understand that there are people working in the medical field, journalist, politicians etc. who still believe the narrative. And claim that they believe science and follow science! It's a joke! They follow the money, and Pfizer's statements. Have they read any serious research? I suppose they are not interesting in learning the truth.

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