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A friend & I are delivering gift bags to the dancers in a strip club tomorrow night. Each bag has a painting with a prophetic word on the back and a bunch of beautiful little things for the ladies. Pray for favour with the bouncers/management & that a dumb cold sore would leave my lip tonight. 🙏🇨🇦

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Please pray for mama. She may not live till the morning.

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The Dream Language Institute is in a northern town, north of Mosul, called Dohuk. Our school is run by an American named Barbara Davis White, who provides language training and opportunities to those hit hardest by ISIS.
Women from all over the area flock to Barbara’s school for a chance to learn English, and she receives them with open arms. Not only does she provide language training, but she coaches them through life so that they can make better choices regarding their future

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Day 29 of prayer for North Korea 🌍🙏🏼

We are coming to the end of our month of prayer for NK. Join us today for day 29 as we pray - "More materials are needed and more prayer for protection is absolutely necessary."

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This huge plane is helping slow the out of control fire in Napa, Solano, Lake Counties in California

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Great day in Poland today with AMAZING fellow believers dreaming to launch the BTJ website in Polish, provide new secret electronics to closed countries, and help start the largest evangelical publishing house in Poland - and this was JUST the conversation before lunch.

"When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost."
John 19:30

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No Words. 😭 Pakistan Court rules that this 14 year old Christian girl who was kidnapped, raped, and forced to Convert to Islam cannot be re-united with her grieving parents, but must remain in the custody of the Muslim man that kidnapped her - because now they are 'legally' married and she is a Muslim.

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Food purchased in Beirut for those impacted by the explosion

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Huge thankyou to those who have donated to the BTJ Disaster Relief Fund.... here are a couple of pics showing the aid we’ve been able to purchase in Beirut for those impacted by the explosion. If you’d like more information of how you can help visit

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My husband is planning to go out in our city to share Jesus tomorrow morning (6:30 AM Eastern Time in USA) with a group of brothers. I thought I'd invite the brothers and sisters here on Ding Dash to join in prayer.

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Day 14 of prayer for North Korea! 🙏🏼🙏🏼

"I will never forget my first time going into North Korea. After only a day or two, I realized why God had put me through so much training in China for this day"

@Backtojerusalem check this out :-) A brother made this amazing t-shirt for me. Story of Simon Zao is one of those that shape the culture of a fellowship. Have a blessed day!

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WOW! just received information that the Chinese expat community working the middle east have heard about the donations made by BTJ and also want to pitch in - so now a fellowship located in the Middle East is donating to the aid effort in Lebanon. LOVE IT

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I would like prayer. I'm having surgery tomorrow to remove an infected bone in my toe.

@Backtojerusalem do you have any brothers & sisters on the ground in Beirut? Can we provide humanitarian aid?

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