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@Jhayward thanks so much...just want the paperback book to finish 'processing'

First time for me doing this, and another lesson learned. Next time I click the publish button a bit earlier...there's up to a 72 hour delay ...

Andy B

@daniel I have no clue about the law over here

We do get wild deer in the UK. There's far more than most people know.

Andy B

Got my first direct message review of my book released today. Somebody bought it and read it in a day, which is something they said they didn't usually do. So that's made my evening 🙂 They said it is a real page turner and encouraging. Awesome!

After a day when nothing felt like it was going smoothly, that has warmed my heart quite a bit

Andy B

Managed to publish my book today, Broken Dreams, and Hope!

1 minor error on the rear cover was picked up, so I'm still waiting for it to be published, but the eBook version is now available and I was super encouraged to see that selling already which made my day!

I've also had some lovely compliments from people who have already started reading it, and are loving it.

One good friend in the US has thought that they'd like to hold a number of the paperback versions with them - of my book (not something I thought I'd ever say) - to hand out to the homeless people she meets, with a bag of nuts, or raisins or similar.

And I've just finished the first edit of my next book, due out in May. 35,000 words, nearly 200 pages, of properly formatted and adapted writing, and made ready for a detailed edit from @TakeN who's proof reading skills are second to none!

Andy B

PS Should you want to buy the digital version here's the link

@MaryMamuzich @Kruselady you can not beat fresh herbs

dried herbs in a jar just do not taste as good

FAITHFUL——> steadfast in affection or allegiance : firm in adherence to promises. The Lord is Faithful to protect, to deliver & to heal me.

@MaryMamuzich so cool

well, i guess it is more warm than cool, but you know what i mean!

It doesn't matter how humbly you receive advice if with all your pride you will do your own will. Stay still and trust what He is saying ❤️

@daniel I know that I don't know much!

I had heard of came up in an NCIS episode one time lol

@sinbach lovin what you do! seriously. looking forward to seeing what you come up with for servers for ministries

@Lindseyay this doesn't seem especially far fetched does it, sadly...

Andy B

@Cherishingsparrows2020 amen. It's so easy to let ourselves get driven. I'm certainly one who struggles with this

Andy B

For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their prayer, but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.”
1 Peter 3:12

@DevotionalTreasures this one isn't out until tomorrow evening 😁

Another one went out this evening though ☺️

Andy B


Alan - challenge accepted

grabbed an Andy B 2 Minute Video while out cycling "Medication, Alarms and Ignoring God" although I forgot my microphone, and didn't remember to use the selfie stick I actually did bring along!

It is a little hard hitting! in a good way!!

goes live tomorrow at 6pm on YouTube/Wordpress/Podcast

Andy B

Andy B 2 Minute Video, Be Led, Not Driven! S04 E053

While chatting with a friend this morning, I was struck by the ease with which we can be driven along by life, when we really should be resisting that pressure, and being led instead.

Sure, there can be life issues which pop up in front of us, which we quickly need to deal with, dropping everything in order to do so. There is a rush or life that we need to pay attention to.

However, we should be led not driven, most of the time.

Not one person on the planet enjoys being forced to do something they don’t want to do. If we’re driven to something, then it is not something that tends to be a positive experience.

But, if we can be led somewhere, we are far more likely to enjoy the journey, the experience, and the outcome. [READ MORE]

For a full transcript, or to listen to the podcast visit our website –

Andy B

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