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Worried about the future?

The coast is but 10 metres from where I sit, on a concrete block, as I have a small break while out cycling.

The waves are crashing against the shore, and the sound is lovely. But, the sea will keep eating away at the shoreline.

30 years ago there'd be a couple of fields in between me and the sea. Its all gone now.

Time marches on, and we are like the morning mist, which fades as the sun rises.

It doesn't mean we should give up, but to keep going...we can do more than we think we can. With God, we can do even greater things than even Jesus did ...let that one sink in for a moment as you consider what Jesus did!

Stressed? Anxious? Jesus has been praying for you for at least 2,000 years.......

We are like the morning mist - when the Son rises any brief suffering will fade as we move to heaven, where Jesus is preparing a place for us.

Not sure if you have a place in heaven? Ask Jesus to show Himself to you.

Peace y'all

Andy B

Mark's surgery to remove tumors is happening today. (Father of a ministry friend, Mark is not a believer yet)

"We know that there is only one answer when our country demands that we share in the price of freedom - yet when the Lord asks us to pay the price for world evangelization, we often answer without a word. We cannot go, we say it costs too much" --Nate Saint, A Martyred Missionary

Aftermath of Terrorists shooting at a
Catholic church in South West Nigeria this Pentecost Sunday. Injured were rushed to hospital....these are those shot dead .
Viewer discretion is advised as the video contains graphic contents

This Sunday morning in Owo, Ondo state( South West Nigeria).... terrorists opened fire in a Catholic Church full of Worshippers killing about 50 people..Elderly..Women, Children...!!! 🥺😭😭

Under Maintenance. Some good updates!

And, now, for something new!

We've had a good four days of downtime, and are grateful for the extra two days gifted to us by the Queen to mark her Jubilee Celebrations. They were most welcome indeed, and rather well timed for us!

We're going to be doing some fairly extensive maintenance to our website in the next week, so the website will be going offline for, God willing, just 4 and 1/2 days. The end result should be great though! [READ MORE]

Andy B and the BerryBunch

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Does it get any more English?

Fresh, home made scones; home made lemon curd; Hartley's raspberry jam; Devon clotted cream and, of course, a mug of tea!!

Feeling very happy right now.

Andy B

Andy B 2 Minute Video, Stop and Start, and New Beginnings, S04E082

One of the most powerful words in the English language has just two letters in it.

It begins with the letter “N” and ends with the letter “O”.

As Christians we can be under so much pressure to say yes to everything, and church leaders can be notorious for forgetting that the people who are giving of their time to serve in churches, how ever important that particular ministry may appear, also have lives to live and church is just one small piece of that.

Being part of a church family is really important. The bible goes to great lengths to remind us of the importance of exactly this! But our primary ministry is always to our family, especially if we are married or have children. [READ MORE]

Andy B

Marriage Matters – Coming Up, ‘Let’s get physical’ Part 3, S01E019, 4th June 2022

Watch the trailer for our next Podcast Episode and find out what’s coming up in our next episode of the Marriage Matters Podcast.

In this week’s Marriage Matters, Andy B and Jo do some more straight talking about sex in marriage – ‘Let’s get physical’ Part 3 – would you believe it! The focus is still on the good stuff and the benefits of a healthy sex life in marriage!

Jo recaps from the last episode, having covered frequency of sex in marriage, expectations, and false messages that we bring into our marriages, the advantages of a healthy sex life in marriage and Jo’s favourite memory of sex in her own marriage to Andy B.

In Part 3, Andy B and Jo move on to moods and feelings towards sex. Did they open a can of worms or was this a helpful discussion – find out for yourselves!

Andy and Jo

60 Second Update, Issue 16

In Case You Missed It
Marriage Matters – Let’s Get Physical Part 2

Andy and Jo take a second look at the physical side of marriage and what God has to say about it all.

Endurance – Season Finale – Do as I Say, Not as I Do

Nathan and Steven discuss hypocrisy

Family Prayer Time – Drinks

Jo and Peter lead us in prayer for Ireland, using drinks, in particular Guiness, as a focal point.

Coming Up
Andy B 2 Minute Videos

As usual Andy B provides encouragement and wisdom in just two minutes. Just a thought!

Also Coming up

Endurance is having a month break. Do watch out for our next season with some exciting changes.

There is one more Family Prayer Time in which Jo Jo and Peter use animals as a focal point to pray for Australia.

Keep in Touch
Don’t forget to sign up to the monthly Newsletter, or Weekly Round Up – so you don’t miss out on anything!

The BerryBunch

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Andy B 2 Minute Video, Mis-labelled, but it’s not all bad!! S04E081

It’s so easy to look at someone and make a snap judgement based on what we see, or perhaps what we smell. For example, if we smell a super expensive perfume, we may well label that person as “wealthy and important”. But if they smell as though they haven’t had a wash for a few weeks, we might assign a label of “dirty and homeless”.

Both labels may be true, but they don’t help us at all when it comes to how we should be towards them. Because the person with money is just as valuable as the person without. And, actually, if we read how Jesus treated those two types of people, we’d realise that the person with less is actually the person Jesus would be drawn towards much more. What a world we could live in if we valued people as God valued them, rather than what they can do for us? [READ MORE]

Andy B

A Brief Pause with Andy B, 01.06.2022

Psalm 37 v 5
Commit Everything you do to the Lord. Trust him and he will help you.

Andy B

It's good to check in with God during the day, so take a moment to pause and reflect.

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: God’s provision

Thanks to @Cherishingsparrows2020 for this one 🙂

It speaks of God’s miraculous provision for so many things, including needs for health and a home. It shows His love for us – as His children – and how God uses all sorts of people to help us along our journey.

God’s provision
Several years ago my family and I moved to the house where we now live. There is more to that testimony, but I’ll leave that for another time. At the time of our move, we owned our previous home but didn’t have a significant savings or a high income.

From the time our first child was born, I’ve stayed home with the children. So, my husband has been the only one earning a regular income.

We purchased our current home through a special arrangement, and with the expectation that our previous home would very soon be sold or leased out. [READ MORE]

For the rest of this Testimony visit our website -->

A Brief Pause with Andy B, 31.0.2022

Struggles can be opportunities...if we let them.

Perhaps, God didn't fail you, but created an opportunity to train and strengthen you!

Andy B

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Andy B 2 Minute Video, Get a second opinion! S04E080

While filming some new material I made one small mistake, and gave one file the wrong title. When looking through the files on the computer later, I realised it had caused a whole bunch of files to now appear to be incorrectly labelled.

After spending some time trying to sort it, I realised I really needed a second set of eyes looking at the problem, so called in my middle son – Nathan.

Together we worked out the easiest way of renaming files correctly: sometimes we just need a second opinion – somebody else who can look at the problem and help us sort out a solution [READ MORE]

Andy B

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Found a back door to provide food to North Korea during these hard times. This is ONLY because of prayer. A big thanks to everyone praying for BTJ!

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