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Work on the new website is coming along really well. So here's a brief update. 😁

We're missing making new video content, but with covering the Breakfast Show on Konnect Radio we're glad of the change in our usual routine on top of all the work for the new website, which made covering the usual host doable.

A change is as good as a rest, and we had a blast with those 7-10am weekday slots.

Dave the Dog is missing recording too, but he'll be back doing some more story times from this coming Saturday - for our regular 3-6pm Sunday show on Konnect Radio.

And I'm taking two days of proper down time, just munching chocolate hob nobs, drinking early grey tea (sitting by our roaring log burner) and deliberately doing nothing much else except a drive to the sea to drink from a flask and watch the waves crash against the beach.

Andy B

I’ve heard more conversations about ‘New Year Resolutions’ this year than ever before. I’m not sure Cadburys will survive the amount of ‘no chocolate all year’ resolutions. I mean… I’ll do my bit to help… 🤷🏻‍♀️🤣

Persecution is on the rise on India, especially in Chhatisgarh State. I've seen videos of believers getting beaten by bamboo poles, and their rice crops stolen.
From a friend:

Situation got very serious in Narayanpur city. While we all were celebrating New Year in different places. They destroyed several churches from last 3days including one of our village church. All the Christians from these 3 villages are sleeping in jungle from last 3 nights. They are seeking to kill Pas Rajmal. He is hiding from few days. Please pray. Around 9 hundred persecutors gather and attacked 2 of Pas Rajmal Karanga's place on January 1st. A Mob (4000 people) gather in Narayanpur city. Destroyed Christian school and a church. There is a curfew now. These people want to close down whole Baster division. In Baster there are 6 districts including Bijapur and Narayanpur. My family (The Overseeing Pastor Ramesh & Family ) has to move out today to be in a safe place. Please pray for us and our protection.

the man! @StevenBerry. The most recent image on my computer
19 tomorrow! (5th January 2023)

Andy B

Please consider praying for my wife Sharon (76) has upr jaw cancer surgery January 3. , then left cancerous kidney removed January 18. We are blessed with wonderful medical help and detection of cancer not known, then short time to removal surgery! God is blessing .. however your prayers are coveted.. it will be traumatic and the surgeons do there part but God is the healer! We both trust our savior Jesus & ask a His loving care!

"Coming in Hard"
Rooftops appear to be the claimed territory of all creatures of the air. By the way they behave, I have oftentimes wondered if some birds think they own the place.
Still, it allows us photographers to get photos like this.
Seeing the crows flying back and forth, an idea for a particular picture formed in my mind. After one or two unsuccessful attempts, I caught this highflying crow coming in fast.
Mastering the framing and timing was tricky. But you can thank my extraordinary photographic acumen for the pleasure of viewing this image. 😏

@sinbach I can't find DingDash as an app on Google play store...

Andy B

@Berrybunchfamily the Lord bless your family this year and may His face shine upon you

Hey up Dingdashers

How's the no man's land time zone for y'all?

You know - that period between Christmas and New, what day is it?!?

Merry Christmas to one and all where ever you are in the world.

Exciting times - just creating a 2023 folder for our photos 😊

Andy B

Back from my first cycle for a while

I had to wait for a replacement inner tube, then we had bad ice, then I had a cold, then it was a Christmas

But I wasn't half as bad as I thought I might have been, which is encouraging!

Andy B

By the way people, we're on air on Christmas day, 8am til 10 am (UK) (sandwiched between the lovely John Clayton and the effervescent Gareth Cottrell)

We're then back for the Breakfast Show for a couple of weeks (from Tuesday).

Merry Christmas and if you want some company, tune into Konnect Radio where we have a truly epic team of fantastic presenters and even better music.

Andy B

A small, delicate, colourful flower hides among dark, gnarly green leaves. When a black van parked behind the fence, an otherwise uninteresting composition became quite dramatic. The vehicle darkened the background, accentuating the gloomy atmosphere, which was ideal.
Little editing was required to achieve the dark, ethereally sombre aura.

We're getting snow at last. Looks like a black and white picture, but it's not. It's just the weather and the landscape.

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DingDash is one server in the network