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There is a spring with drinkable water in a nearby forest. My son wanted to go there today, but I thought it would be frozen after several weeks of winter weather. To our surprise it was flowing. It tastes so good!

Meet our Carol team for the season!
Choir master, lead singer, team members and instruments πŸ˜ŽπŸŽ…πŸŽ…πŸ˜†

Our celebration continues!!!

@tymektt @Will @bethany @Olamide @Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter @sinbach @MaryMamuzich

As charcoal is to burning coals, and wood to fire, So is a contentious man to kindle strife.
Proverbs 26:21 NKJV

It is better to dwell in a corner of a housetop, Than in a house shared with a contentious woman.
Proverbs 25:24 NKJV

Contentious people sadly start arguments. Social media reinforces their position, because it is in black and white

Doesn't make them right, though πŸ˜”

And we've met far too many over the years...we've learned to follow the prompting of the Holy Spirit, say something, perhaps, but you can only say so much...

Legalistic and self-righteous believers have this unique talent to tear apart all the decent conversations (mostly on Facebook, but even here on Ding Dash) bringing to the table nothing else but condemnation.
So... dear Brother, dear Sister, if you are a target in social media:
Stay strong, do the thing you were called to do, do not get distracted by anonymous people attacking you.
I'll be praying for extra strength and patience for you - just let me know.
@Will @bethany @Olamide @Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter @Berrybunchfamily @sinbach @MaryMamuzich

Dear friends, my daughter Eliza has cancer and I I believe she has taken the third jab. She got inflammation in the liver and the pancreas. Apparently, things are pretty serious with Eliza. She has some metastasis that is blocking the connection between the pancreas and the liver. They stuck a camera down her throat. IΒ΄m serious worried about the outcome. She is 36 year old, married and have two wonderful little girls 5 and 6 years old.

@Jorge I so often am speechless on DD. I live in such a protected area and lived in a family of harmony. I've come to realize that a heart without Christ has no limit to cruelty. Things are done to ppl that my heart & mind would ever think could possibly be done by a human to another human. It's so crazy and heart breaking. Words don't form to pray, I just feel sick agony inside as I groan to Jesus.

@tanjaostman we had so many chickens when I was little. 50 hens and 50 roosters - 47 roosters went in the freezer. We didn't have heat in the small barn - the cows put off enough heat the hens produced all winter.
My mom sold milk and eggs to the neighbors.

Merry Christmas to all Dingdashers! πŸŽ„πŸŽ The "most important" day of Christmas is Christmas Eve, Dec 24th, when we have Christmas dinner and give presents (in the evening) in Finland and Sweden. We celebrated with relatives today, and will continue tomorrow with other relatives. It's been snowing heavily today, about 40 cm. So fun to play in the snow! ❄

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ.. and friends.. let us celebrate together in heart the joy first shared by the angels after Jesus the Messiah’s birth in Bethlehem, at the acceptable time! Let us always marvel that β€œGod so loved the world (every person) that he gave his only begotten Son” ! We live in a world that is destroying itself with sin.. anger, violence, addictions, selfishness and hate as never before! Causing mass migrations of people desperate for hope! There is only one hope .. that is believing in Jesus the Christ (Nazarene) not religions, doing good, winning our political or religious dominance or national dominance! Thank you Lord God for sending your Son to be born in Bethlehem!!!

Some Indian friends who 'boasted about' fundamental rights and constitutional rights celebrated Christmas behind bars, last year.
The Buddhist Pastor from a neighboring country decorated a Christmas tree in November itself. Only to find himself in 'open jail' where his mobile phone was kept by the guards, who tracked all his contacts and congregation.

Be safe !

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