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@KarlGessler much better now, thanks Karl

Jo's had some times of tiredness, but she was back at work today, albeit from home

She started late and finished early to take it easy; she's trying to reduce her hours too from having done too many for so long so it made it easy for her to take a very relaxed working week this week .

Andy B

Investigating war crimes in Ukraine he suffered serious injuries in explosion in last few days. Life flighted out. Prayers have already brought some healing and he is doing better. An associate lost a leg.


The greatest resistance to deliverance ministry seems to come from Christians who don't want to believe that they can have a demon. But consider that Jesus rebuked Peter, when Peter tried to dissuade Jesus from the cross, saying "get behind me Satan!" (Matthew 16:23). Jesus had just finished telling Peter that he would receive "the keys of the kingdom" and Jesus called Peter, "Blessed!" Jesus hasn't changed His mind and is not calling Peter himself "Satan". Rather, Jesus was rebuking Satan who was using Jesus' good friend, Peter, to tempt Jesus.

This is strong evidence that demons can be at work in the lives of faithful believers.

Check out the full chapter here:

Also, if Christian's starts to do things that are a sin (for example participate in yoga, have sex outside marriage) they will open the door for Satan to come into their lives just the same way as happens with non-christians.

Satan uses man's "flesh", the sinful nature, also in Christians if they're not walking by the Spirit. I believe Peter had fallen into pride and so he dared to take the authority to rebuke the Son of God.

@erdenpilger Yes, I agree! God's Kingdom is not of this world as you quoted, but it's in us who believe (Luk. 17:22) This is clearly what the Bible tells us.
But it also tells us that when God creates the new heaven and the new earth then His Kingdom will be on earth (Rev. 21:1-3) It's clear that Jesus will come back on earth the second time (Matt. 24:3), defeat Satan (Rev. 20:10) and establish His Kingdom (Rev. 21:5). The New Jerusalem will come down from heaven and we will be with Him forever. (Rev. 21:2-3, 10) This is our hope! (1 Kor. 15:19-25)

Thanks so much for all of your prayers, yesterday was my first day off since July 17. Am emotionally, physically and mentally exhausted.

Parents still at the hospital, both have been diagnosed with severe dementia. Staff there are helping me to try to get them placed in a care home, some difficulties there.

I have been trying to work, be there for them and their two dogs on weekends, trying to find a place to live closer to them that I can afford.

I am strapped financially, and it’s 2.5 hours of driving one way to go see them and their dogs.

My lease ends Sept 16. Due to exhaustion & financial limitations, am considering possibly moving to be with sister in another state for a time to try to recover, but that would mean leaving them at the care home for a period of time, without me being nearby.

If the answer is to move nearer to parents as they transition, I need a real miracle from God. Please pray for me for wisdom and guidance, that I feel and hear His heart in all of this.

Dear brothers and sisters, I would like to ask you to pray for my wife Anna.

The excessive stress due to the challenges we are facing has led her to have trouble swallowing and consequently to swallow food.

She is eating little, she is not very hungry and she is losing weight. I ask you to pray that my wife can be healed in her throat, that she can eat without hindrance and that she can regain her natural weight.

Thanks so much. You don't know how precious your prayers are.

God bless you all. 🙏🙏🙏

@faith20 Father in Heaven I pray you bring healing to. Anna in Jesus name!!

@tymektt will do. They've ruled out some things. She's had intravenous paracetamol which has at least taken the edge off the pain, which is good.

Blood work was ok, but they're checking a couple of things which weren't quite they'd like to see

Thank you !
There was a season in our ministry, when many organizations asked us to give reports to receive support.
Then we heard about Brother Yun and Heavenly Man book from our youngsters. Some of them got the privilege to meet Uncle Tang and Brother Yun. Our Elders received training from Brother @sinbach few times.

The best gift we received from volunteers is prayer and faith based farming. we prayed, breaking the curse of the land, worked hard and God is blessing the works of our hand.

We see multiplication and transformation in our closed country.

Amen and Amem!
God save Sri Lanka.
Give them good leaders who will uphold righteousness and serve the people in justice \°°/

@Lanka4Jesus this is heart breaking!! Thank you for sharing! I will pray!!

A woman in Vancouver has been called a ‘pedophile, groomer, and rapist’ after a video emerged of her four-year-old daughter ‘coming out’ as a ‘trans boy’ during the Vancouver Pride Parade.

Not all scrap piles are equal. I hit the mother load today! Not scrapping these, but they might find their way into my house.

Hey bro. 👋
Are you still having problems with your phone.
Telegram or whatsapp 🤔 It is safer with Signal!

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