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Update on my granddaughter!! She grew!!! Yay!! She is 1.5 pounds heavier and 1.5 inches taller!! Still smaller than the majority of children her age but she's healthy and smart!
I'm so grateful for then prayers concerning her, thank you!! God is so faithful and mighty.

@Lanka4Jesus this is heart breaking!! Thank you for sharing! I will pray!!

@tymektt I must say, I like his shorts....I have a few just like it!
Who doesn't love John Wayne??? I believe he used dried hard corncobs for toilet paper!!! Tough guy!!!

@tymektt @sinbach I would def travel all the way to Poland for a piece!! ....oh, yes, and the company of you and your family!! ( I'm in need of that baby girls hug!)

@sinbach .......being polite and eating that pineapple sitting there looking so nasty on my slice of pizza!!! Never a good time!! Haunts me still!!

@Berrybunchfamily sooooo true!!! Who wouldn't want to know me - right?!? 😂😂😎🤣

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