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So tired this morning!

Jo's on pain meds. Pale, worn, tired, but getting better. Praise God!

We're up and about and recuperating.

Update on Jo

Firstly, thanks for your prayers. Truly. She felt them!!

Secondly you couldn't make up our day!!

She was discharged and forgotten about so we were actually there for 13 1/4 hours (they assumed she had left...sadly another woman got forgotten about in the morning due to the same issue - WAY too many people wanting to access the hospital).

They don't know what caused such bad pain in Jo, and there are way too many possibles so they have given her strong pain medication. If it comes back, plus any other symptoms, we go back to see a doctor.

On our way out we paid for the medication and they took twice the amount. But their card machines are new and they were unable to refund they had to take lots of details so they can get the hospital finance team to lay us back the difference.

What a day! Now, where's my bed?!?

Andy B

Dear brothers and sisters, I would like to ask you to pray for my wife Anna.

The excessive stress due to the challenges we are facing has led her to have trouble swallowing and consequently to swallow food.

She is eating little, she is not very hungry and she is losing weight. I ask you to pray that my wife can be healed in her throat, that she can eat without hindrance and that she can regain her natural weight.

Thanks so much. You don't know how precious your prayers are.

God bless you all. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

Thank you !
There was a season in our ministry, when many organizations asked us to give reports to receive support.
Then we heard about Brother Yun and Heavenly Man book from our youngsters. Some of them got the privilege to meet Uncle Tang and Brother Yun. Our Elders received training from Brother @sinbach few times.

The best gift we received from volunteers is prayer and faith based farming. we prayed, breaking the curse of the land, worked hard and God is blessing the works of our hand.

We see multiplication and transformation in our closed country.

Biblical things happening all over the world?
What the heck is happening in Poland and Germany?
The Oder river had been poisoned, SO MUCH that in a few weeks our government had declared an emergency and said that NO ONE should get close to the water (see the map of the regions with alerts).
20 tons of dead fish had been recovered from the river so far (just on the Polish side).

So what will happen when the real poison will hit the Earth...

Revelation 8:11
"The name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters became wormwood, and many men died from the water, because it was made bitter."

Julie Chung , US ambassador to SL is quite compassionate about our people.
Please pray for her.

Shabbat shalom y'all. Here is some developments of the last 48 hours with Israel to keep in prayer. Gaza threatened Israel and said no one was to visit the temple mount tomorrow. The IDF responded by drafting another 23000 reserve troops and beginning operation breaking Dawn. So far 15 jihad senior officials have been killed as well as 20+ Islamic jihad activists in the west bank. Gaza has fired 160 missiles of which 10% fell in Gaza. Gaza has stated that they are in no hurry to get anywhere. We will continue to exhaust the enemy. Israel stated that they will continue to fight and target jihad officials until the jihad stops sending missiles. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

Please keep praying and agreeing with us. I know SE Asia and Malawi are with us.

Unreached Ethne: Matang, Musahar, Brahman, South Asian, Rajput, Nadar, Mochi, Pod, Adi Karnataka, Gilaki, Darzi, Pashtun Yusafzai, Bagdi, Mazhabi, Arab, Berber, Namassej, Mahratta Jadhav, Dhangar Bharwad, Rakhine, Jula, Assamese Mus., Yadav Sadgope

Please don’t forget to pray for the orphans in China. Because of Covid no international adoptions are moving forward and there are many children waiting for parents and a loving home. 😰😰😰😰😰 they are on my hearts every day. Some little children even had parents arriving to be pick them up and bring them home.... when suddenly the China wall went up and no one could come in to pick them up anymore until Covid restrictions are lifted. Those children have been waiting ever since. Those parents are besides themselves waiting to come get them! Please pray the hearts can be turned soon to opening back up the roads for adoption. And that the people of God could also have moved hearts towards providing homes for children who have been abandoned and are suffering every day without a family.

Please pray. I just witnessed to a guy who's in a deep valley in this crazy life. Plz pray he surrenders his life to Jesus.

This field report directly from our team in Afghanistan is such a powerful reminder of what God can do during the most unimaginable situations.

I am working on a song in the studio with my friend, Jim Beaver. I think you will love this song when ti is finished. I look forward to sharing it with the Church and the "not-yet" church.

Let none hear you idly saying,
"There is nothing I can do,"
While the multitudes are dying,
And the Master calls for you.
Take the task He gives you gladly,
Let His work your pleasure be;
Answer quickly when He calleth,
"Here am I, send me, send me!"

Daniel March

Asking for prayers of protection for Dr. Carrie Madej. We are now learning through sources who know her that she was involved in a plane crash (a small Piper plane, reportedly) and suffered a broken leg and some vertebral injuries. She is believed to be in surgery currently. We do not yet have any media sources reporting this, but this is from direct contacts. We do not yet know her post-surgery status or anything else. Please join us in praying for her safety. More details to follow.

@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter I'm without words! I shake my head and close my eyes. My heart hurts. I lift all the pain and suffering the ppl of India are going through right now and for the future when there are no crops to harvest and few animals for food and for the lack of food for the animals.... The suffering looks endless but our Lord truly is above our limits; is faithful and able to supply all our needs.
I lift my hands and broken heart to the One who cares the most.

3 weeks of rain in the North Eastern parts of India! Several domestic animals and wild animals died. Crops submerged in water. Tea Estate workers suffering in their leaky cottages.
Please continue to pray!
(Pictures are from 2014 Vietnam floods)
Volunteers are struck in remote villages without transportation.

Many are requesting for Seeds and hand tools.

@Cherishingsparrows2020 @MaryMamuzich

Thanks for your prayers. In Italy, during the restrictions, all teachers had to be present at school but with the vaccine obligation fulfilled. Those who had fulfilled the obligation could also teach online but only if there were cases of contagion. Therefore, the fulfillment of the vaccination obligation was also required from home. Thank you, God bless you.

Calling all prayer warriors!
This is my granddaughter, most of you prayed for her and my daughter at the time of her birth, she is 14 months old. She has not grown in the last 3 months, the doctor said she won't be too concerned unless she doesn't grow in the next 3 months. Plz pray for normal growth. Thank you!!

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