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We got more Bibles ! It's a new miracle!
We needed few dozens of Bibles for a closed Buddhist country.
Previous attempts to smuggle in scriptures faced severe problems.
Then God opened doors for us.
An additional consignment is on the way 🙌

I was just trying to appeal to people here.
The kind of war we've been in for a long time, is a war about information, a new kind of propaganda-mind control, petty "theft" of people's time, attention, mind, souls, future, eternity... with the enemy of our souls. Brainwash with demonic elements. Numerous sources talk about a battle for what is called THE MIND SPACE. Mind games 2.0? There is a lot of demonic psychology in this.

This is SERIOUS STUFF, with a LOT of HEAVY INVESTORS on the ultra-rich side.
They're trying to shut both Alex Jones and InfoWars down, folks. Now with kangoroo courts, law-fare, "legal warfare".

Alex Jones Legal Fund ->

Campaign Created by: Alex Jones
Raised : USD $ 113,428
Goal : USD $500,000

Update on my Mom’s situation.

I entrusted all of my stepdad’s financial information to my sister to help out when she was here for the hospice visit, & she took everything with her back to another state & started to pursue conservatorship, without including me. My sister is not communicating with me in regards to my mother’s finances or conservatorship.

Feelings of sadness and grief, I had initiated calling my sister every Sunday to pray for my Mother and Stepdad & she agreed for me to call to pray and would listen to the prayers and agree in her heart she said. I never dreamed she would try to seize control & keep Mom in a care home.

I want to make a home for my mother, please pray God shows me clearly the path to go. My sister and niece never call my Mom, I am the 1 family member that has continued to be there.

Please pray for the hearts of my sister, niece and niece’s husband. They took advantage of my stepdad’s passing. I need God’s wisdom and the right path forward.

This is the season when God is wanting to open people's eyes.

People are putting on posts about 9-11, with the words 'never forget!'

But, what are we supposed to never forget?

How many people really know what was happening during that day?

How many of you know that our own government did this? How many of you know that it wasn't terrorism? How many of you know that it was a distraction for all the evil that people were doing in our country? Our own government did this and most people won't even believe it. That's what God is exposing right now. That is what our true president was trying to uncover when he was in office. We need to be aware of really what was going on so that we can stand up against the true evil that we are facing. We need to know what demonic forces are behind all this.
Speak out the word of God and bring down the evil that is trying to destroy our country.

My little garden has had a hard season. It has gone through: snow, days of pouring rain, hail, wind, heat, moles,ants,moths and tiny black bugs!
I muscled my way through some pretty beat up thick skinned vegetables. The insides are sweet soft tender goodness that will nourish my husband and I through the winter.
I think we Christians probably look a lot like this little kohlrabi with it's tough skin from our enemy constantly hitting us with everything bad...BUT!! God will provide,protect and use us to complete His good will.
So, let us keep our attitude looking for the good in all things and ppl. Let's march on in the strength of Jesus Christ our Savior.
I continue to pray for all you beautiful DD ppl!! My family - my forever friends!

We are literally down to earth people 😂
The tools we provide sometimes contradict with spiritual warfare principles 🙄 (Ephesians- our weapons)!

In the leadership mentoring process; along with scriptures and food our rural associates receive tools like Spade and pickaxe to work with their own hands .

The simple way to provide food on their table.
Thank you @sinbach and team.

I just have to say, I thought I already enjoyed the BTJ podcast, but my heart is being so deeply affected by the new series, Behind the Veil with @sinbach!
Jesus is so rich and so full of love! Askingfor Him to make Himself known here in central PA, USA!
Thankyou, Eugene and team. I love, love, love this podcast! My evening supper prep is a holy time!

Thank you all so much for prayers for my stepdad, he has passed away. I am having a hard time finding a place to live near my mother, and I have to move in about 1.5 weeks.

Unfortunately my sister terminated the lease on my mother’s house, blocking me being able to bring her and her dogs home, and live with them there. She is being placed in a care home due to my not being positioned yet to take her on (so much pushback from my sister and niece) even though I want to take her on (and they don’t).

PLEASE PRAY THAT SHE CANNOT BLOCK ME FROM GUARDIANSHIP — that was the original plan, for me to get guardianship

I am a bit heartbroken right now. 😭. Also struggling financially due to gasoline and expenses with trying to do business in the hospital area.

Please pray for my finances, a place to live, and that I can somehow be reunited with my mother and take care of her. Also, that somehow we can get her dogs back. My sister is wanting to find new owners for them. 😞

A friend is in trouble!!!
(representative picture)
A leader looking after orphans is facing severe challenges from coworkers! Enemy within is more dangerous than from those outside, isn't it?

The ministry of leading children to the Savior and meeting their needs may not be hindered.
The institution needs a miracle!

Yes, it happened again! few obeyed the Word! Dove would have descended angels would have celebrated !
populating heaven with souls from challenging locations!

Thank you for your prayers.
@MaryMamuzich @Cherishingsparrows2020 @Kruselady @andyharris @VeritasDomain @bethany @sinbach @messenjahofchrist

We don't have pictures (this one is a representative picture from open source)
Few dozens decided to fulfill the commandment, fully knowing the consequences. Social ostracism and harassment from community and family members are normal. Yet they are willing to take up their cross and follow Jesus.
is transforming because God is on the move!

Progress in training location spite of hostile conditions.

Slow but steady ! Need Spiritual support to win the battle!

Good Morning, Friends!
God is on the move! He is always at work but we are starting to wake up and trim our sails to His wind!
There is a revival in Nashville TN and in Seattle Washington. God is not finished with us yet. This is a day for rejoicing!

@kaleb @sinbach DUDE, no, no,no. My country barelly managed to leave socialism.
After 40 years socialism brought only economical, environmental, mental, social & spiritual DESTRUCTION.
We are 30 years after leaving this anti-God system and still struggling with the social damage.
Please, in the name of Jesus, re-think your statement.
First Christians were NEVER socialistic, in Jerusalem they sold what they had, but they distributed acording to needs and socialism is about so called "equal distibution", this never works.
We, the Polish people are a living testimony of the socialistic horrors.

@Sonshine such a hard time in life to go through for both you and your parents! I will be praying for guidance and a miracle! Our Lord has lots of both!! Hang in there and try and get some rest.

Please pray for my mother and her husband, Dick and Roxane. They both went into the hospital today.

Dick is not at all well, he has liver failure and kidney failure and is very sick. He is swollen and jaundiced, blood count is a quarter of what it should be, and they are giving him blood right now.

Please pray for grace at work, as I try to take off work again for family emergency.

Please pray for a place for me to live closer to them, for God’s grace strength and help, and for salvation for both of them (they are both 80).

Thank you so much for praying.

Thanks so much for all of your prayers, yesterday was my first day off since July 17. Am emotionally, physically and mentally exhausted.

Parents still at the hospital, both have been diagnosed with severe dementia. Staff there are helping me to try to get them placed in a care home, some difficulties there.

I have been trying to work, be there for them and their two dogs on weekends, trying to find a place to live closer to them that I can afford.

I am strapped financially, and it’s 2.5 hours of driving one way to go see them and their dogs.

My lease ends Sept 16. Due to exhaustion & financial limitations, am considering possibly moving to be with sister in another state for a time to try to recover, but that would mean leaving them at the care home for a period of time, without me being nearby.

If the answer is to move nearer to parents as they transition, I need a real miracle from God. Please pray for me for wisdom and guidance, that I feel and hear His heart in all of this.

My stepdad has taken a turn for the worse, please pray for him. Nurse said he is having excessive tremors and it’s not looking good. Infection is moving about in his body. I am waiting on a call back from the doctor. 😭

He is not a Christian, please pray for him!

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