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Sunday PLUS with Dave the Dog, Proverbs 1, S01E01

Andy B starts us off with the brand new Sunday PLUS by opening the bible to the book of Proverbs, and the very first chapter.

The Bible is exciting and is full of all sorts of things that can help us live better lives and become more like Jesus.

The book of Proverbs was written by King Solomon – the most wise man to ever live, after Jesus of course!

King Solomon is perhaps most well known for telling two women who were arguing about which one of them was the real mother of a baby, to cut that baby in half. Of course, the real mother said no, while the imposter said yes. King Solomon had his answer!

Proverbs teaches us all we need to know gain both knowledge and wisdom – and the difference between the two.

The BerryBunch

Family Prayer Time, Scotland and Haggis, S01E06

Peter & JoJo get together to encourage us, as always, to pray as a family. And they continue their series on using objects for prayer to help us stay focused, returning this week to World Food or The Photo!

By special request, JoJo & Peter pray for Scotland, encouraging us to use the Scottish national dish of Haggis as our focal point.

With a photograph of the traditional Scottish savoury pudding – Haggis -Peter and JoJo pray for Scotland.

A big thank you to our friend, Alan from Scotland for prayer pointers:
• God’s direction on Independence
• Spiritual Revival for Scotland
• Scottish Government – Holyrood, Edinburgh
• Bills through Parliament in London & Edinburgh – affecting social & religious freedom
• Building the Church in Scotland –
• Housing & Homelessness in Scotland

The BerryBunch

@tanjaostman my wife is multilingual. She speaks both English and me 🤣

Marriage Matters, It’s A Balancing Act, S01E011

In this week’s Marriage Matters, Andy B and Jo talk about the importance of honesty in marriage and being gentle. They speak candidly about how we can go from being supportive, kind and loving to our spouse to cruel and unkind and critical if we are not careful.

As always, Andy B steers the episode with scripture and explores the following:

Proverbs 27:5-6
Proverbs 27:17
Proverbs 5:3

Andy B and Jo make the point that there is a need to tell our spouse some difficult truths sometimes, whether it’s as simple as not liking what they wear or disliking their culinary delights or the need for our spouse to slow down, rest or stop working!

There is a balance to be had between being straight on the one hand but being gentle about it on the other.

Andy and Jo

Read more on our website -->

Easter Special, 2022 – Easter In An Eggshell

What do Dave the Dog, Easter, Rabbits, Rocks, Satsumas, Eggs and Easter Island all have in common? Well they all appear in our Easter 2022 Special Episode with Dave and Jo telling the story of Easter.

To wet your appetite a little, here are a few photos from Dave the Dog on the Easter Hunt he was invited to attend. [READ MORE]

Find out more -->

"You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these." Mark 12:31

....ahhh.....I am so old that I still remember way back during the last millennium, before there was email, facebook. whatsapp, or twitter we used this old antiquated system to communicate with one another.

@sinbach sad about it. but, also proud to know you just a little

Andy B

What is it you do exactly?

Watching – Reading – Listening.

As a family, what we do has changed over the past couple of years since starting the BerryBunch. I thought it might be helpful for some of those who follow what we do to explain a little more about why we do what we do, and what that actually is and how it works and benefits you!

So grab yourself a seat, your favourite drink, and maybe a biscuit or seven (is that just me?) ‘cos this is good stuff and I don’t want to ruin by abbreviating it as I go.

It speaks of God’s provision and faithfulness to us, and all of that despite of us (or perhaps simply because of us)! [READ MORE]

For the rest of this post check it out in full on our website -->

Andy B

@daniel yep. and, also, slightly concerning how we ned a mobile in order to function online..................

the part that infuriates me is proving who I am, but being unable to because of their own technical 'stuff'

make it secure, sure! but not so secure i give up using it!

Andy B

@TakeN yes, that was a cold day! a fabulous day, but a cold day none the less

Andy B

One of my best friends in Sweden has come to DingDash! (We met in a Church when we lived in Stockholm) 🙌 ❤️ 😊 Welcome Emma! @Emmur She is a very seasoned Christian, and she has much wisdom and knowledge, and leadership experiences. She is a people person, who has been working for many years in public schools. When rubber meets the road...

@sinbach changes on FB? You can no longer open in most recent's pushed me off unless I'm on a computer...9 adverts in a row, repeatedly, made it a non starter

Also DingDash is much more awesome 😊

Andy B

@Cherishingsparrows2020 thanks for these encouraging words

We do our videos but we do frequently wonder how they helpful or effective they are at encouraging people. So it's so encouraging when we get a comment like this.

I'll make sure Jo and Peter read it!

One year we got people speaking in languages at Pentecost, as would have been when the disciples were first filled with the holy spirit. We had maybe a dozen languages being spoken, praising God, at the same time. It was really rather powerful!

We've recently filmed another family prayer time - for the USA

Andy B

Please pray for my husband this weekend he feels led to share the gospel with a few specific people. Thanks!! 🙏🏻

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