My website/blog has been refreshed. Sign up and get my latest 500 Word Blog posts - 500 words, no more, no less. They come out every Monday from 8pm. - The Man, The Husband, The Father, The Son
I've been a bit busy launching and growing @pure247radio but as we near our first birthday celebrations I'm getting back to writing those blog posts, and my Andy B 2 Minute Videos. They're all on @Berrybunchfamily and fresh material will start appearing soon.
@tanjaostman @Williams_girl @Cherishingsparrows2020 this post is bursting with goodness!
@Williams_girl so far so good 😊
@Berrybunchfamily @StevenBerry, I'm sorry I didn't know you had had heart surgery. May you have a speedy recovery!
@Williams_girl we've met so many folks over in the US we'd love to meet in person.
One day, of God opens that door, we'd love to say hi 😊
@Berrybunchfamily, yes! I remember seeing the happy picture of you all together in your home. That is when I realized maybe someday they would make their way to the U.S. and from that we invited them to let us know if they ever did have plans to come.
Truly, the wider family of God is beautiful!
Blessings to you, BerryBunch. If you're ever in the eastern U.S., please come visit! ☺️
@Williams_girl fabulous
We hosted them last year for a time in our home here in the UK - lovely family
and beautiful evidence of the wider family of God 😊
Friends here in DD, I haven't posted here in a while, but have to give praise to our Jesus and thanks to Eugene and the team who created DD!
We have made friendships--- though only online up till last week--- that are large and kingdom oriented, and last week, our family was so incredibly blessed to get to meet and host the delightful DD personality, Tanja Ostman and her beautiful family! The Spirit of God is so precious, so rich is He in His love, fellowship and union! We felt we had known them for years and had only last week met in person. Such a gift!
@daniel it's quite remarkable
Fully conscious throughout; discharged within 7 hrs...and just two entry holes in veins in my thigh? It is pretty amazing!
@davereimer thanks kindly
Triple bypass, wow! A chap on the ward had that.
Yesterday had energy. Today, not so much!
@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter thankyou
Photo with @StevenBerry taken yesterday
Much more tired today. But the heart surgery went well with zero complications. Out same day, Praise God.
Today I'm weak, but still pain free and walking is more normal now - will try for another short walk today when the temperature drops a bit.
But I did have heart surgery 52 hrs ago, so not too bad considering.
God is good!!
#recovering #BBHQ #feelingloved #gettingthere #heartsurgeryrecovery #Pure247Radio #teamwork
@richardafaherty thanks richard
Got heart surgery at 0730 today (9th July, UK)
Grateful for prayers for a smooth procedure - it's an ablation, so they go in via a vein in my leg to burn a specific part of the inside of the heart in order to prevent the severe palpitations I've had since the start of 2023
Will be off work for two weeks while I recover
Andy B
Last video from the gathering for now. What a weekend. And what a video! @TakeN outdid himself!
in case you missed it
@sinbach @Backtojerusalem @bethany
Fire up your faith with the BerryBunch - This is who we are. This is what we do! For free, for all!
Creating digital material - to encourage and inspire families, all around the world, in their Christian faith; supporting, equipping and resourcing the Church in it’s Global mission.
The BerryBunch