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I've already written out the music out and worked a suitable key for each

And i'm now down from 8 songs to 3 songs - to get my rewriting treatment.

Wind the bobbin up
Incy wincy spider
The animals went in by two by two

So that's a step forwards!

8 classical nursery rhymes in front of me...and I want to rewrite maybe 2 it 3 them today, into versions with a Christian where did I put my inspiration again? 'Cos all I can think of is a clip from Shrek singing "I like big butts and I can not lie"....not really the inspiration that u was looking for and now I can't get the song out of my head lol and I don't like that song anyway 😜🤣

@bethany @Cherishingsparrows2020 @HimalayanShepherd @DevotionalTreasures @Berrybunchfamily @Toolman @weavers4jesus @tymektt @sinbach DingDash def cradles a person in need of prayer. When I was in need of prayer I could feel the praying hand upon me and I rested in the arms of our Father. Another amazing thing!!! When my daughter, Lisa, was in the hospital I ask Jesus to surround her bed with angels and keep her safe. Weeks after Lisa was out of the hospital my sister-in-law told me that while she prayed for Lisa the Lord gave her a vision of angels around her bed!!
Jesus is love.

O LORD God, still our minds and open our hearts, that we may smell the sweet fragrance of Your Love around us today, Amen.

First time back on the mountain bikes for a couple of weeks, but we got out again today - love these memory building moments of exercise and active resting with my most beautiful friend, and wonderful wife.

Getting very hot out there, even by 9am (for the UK anyway).

Even managed to meet some happy people and about, rather than the grumpier ones we tend to meet who are agressively anti-cyclist!

1,000th ding for the BerryBunch 🙂 and it was sharing the boys' latest episode of Endurance, all about Keeping it Pure!

A good way to get that little ninja man ;-)

Andy B

Steven introduces our theme this week – Keeping It Pure!

GoDeeper with Andy B, as he looks at how to stay pure.

He talks about the importance of not looking at things that are unhealthy, as it won’t lead us closer to Jesus.

And he explains the link between Philippians 4:8 and Matthew 18:9.

Steven & Nathan give us 2 challenges for the week ahead in :

Read and Remember:
Steven encourages us to read the Scriptures for this week; Philippians 4:4-8 and Matthew 18:9, and to remember that what we continually see and hear will inevitably influence the way we live.

Reflect and Respond:
Nathan challenges us to think about what areas of our lives are not pure, and to allow God to cleanse those areas, by focusing on what is good and pure.

The BerryBunch

Sunday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Keep your eyes on Christ and not on the storm. Storms will come and go, but God will remain forever! Put your trust in Jesus Christ today!

@bethany @HimalayanShepherd @DevotionalTreasures @Berrybunchfamily @Toolman @weavers4jesus @tymektt @sinbach
Thank you, Bethany! Thank you for your prayers for my daughter and our family, and for the reminder to pray for @sinbach. It is truly a privilege to be a part of this faith family. It's a joy to celebrate the amazing ways our Father is answering prayer.

I was praying this morning, remembering so many of you who have shared your prayer requests with us here on Dingdash. Such a privilege to pray with you and stand with you 🙏🏼

@Cherishingsparrows2020 @HimalayanShepherd @DevotionalTreasures @Berrybunchfamily @Toolman @weavers4jesus @tymektt (and @sinbach needs all the prayer he can get)

Anu suggestions for studies/books on the David/Saul dynamic?

We've got one by R T Kendall, but I want to go a bit deeper on this specific dynamic...

I am sharing at an extremely unique missions conference in Sweden this week with about 21 different organisations being represented.
I humbly ask for your prayers as we search together for new ways to cause trouble.

Shalom...last year this response to a post I made on FB, @sinbach wrote:

"good post. I wrote my dissertation for my maters degree 20 years ago arguing pre-trib, mid-trib, and post-trib rapture. i presented a biblical argument for each one and defended each one equally. my conclusion? serve the Lord and preach the Gospel to as many people as humanly possible. today! Fighting theology with other Christians wastes precious time when there are so many who have NEVER heard. End times is not supposed to distract us - but motivate us. Until Jesus returns!"

I took this photo about a month ago. Relaxing in the garden, I noticed a bee in the grass. So, I decided to try to photograph it, keeping the sun to the front left of the bee for the best lighting. I followed it as it crawled along through the grass, trying not to have blades of grass in the way, and taking numerous pictures.
Sorting through the images of this bee, I nearly deleted this one, as there are a few blades and things in the foreground, partially hiding the subject. But, after a second look, I thought the grass in the foreground, slightly veiling the subject, gave it a beautiful mysterious, elegant look.

God doesn't judge what someone is like by their social media profile. Neither should you.

Well that's the end of our working week!

Time for a shower, dinner, a family film...and tomorrow we've got (if No. 1 son can secure some!) munchies for family poker :-)

Waiting for Jo to return home...chilled water, and some shade 🙂

Saturday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Seek you the Lord, put your trust in Jesus Christ today! God is greater than your biggest battle! God Grace is sufficient in your darkest hour! Christ is the answer!

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