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Over 70 kids and 50 adults came to our outreach in northern Thailand next to a massive Buddhist temple Saturday. Many received Christ but most importantly we began our process of planting house churches, baptizing them
And helping them to understand what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ. What a huge day! In this part of the world, those are huge numbers to come out to hear about Jesus. The area is very resistant and closed to these things but we are seeing the seeds of revival. Praise God. 21 churches planted. Over 300 former Buddhist coming to Christ. Bible school planting here and our school of missions to send Asians to Asian nations and the Middle East (also part of of Asia) where we will send them after they finish our training. Amazing times we are living in.

Shabbat shalom y'all. Here is some developments of the last 48 hours with Israel to keep in prayer. Gaza threatened Israel and said no one was to visit the temple mount tomorrow. The IDF responded by drafting another 23000 reserve troops and beginning operation breaking Dawn. So far 15 jihad senior officials have been killed as well as 20+ Islamic jihad activists in the west bank. Gaza has fired 160 missiles of which 10% fell in Gaza. Gaza has stated that they are in no hurry to get anywhere. We will continue to exhaust the enemy. Israel stated that they will continue to fight and target jihad officials until the jihad stops sending missiles. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

Julie Chung , US ambassador to SL is quite compassionate about our people.
Please pray for her.

Mrs. Rosy Senanayake is our Colombo Mayor.
Please pray for this Born Again leader, as she plans and excecutes major initiatives.

@Lanka4Jesus praise the Lord. It s good to hear. May God bless her and give her favor with the others in office

Little bit extra prayer is appreciated!

Reaching the starting point of this season was quite tough 😳.

Exciting days of healing, deliverance and Transformation ahead!!!

Where do l live ?
I live in that part of the world where people might give you directions , even if they have no idea how to get there 😂

@Berrybunchfamily happy birthday to you. Wow you're a youngster. My oldest daughter will be 47.. We will celebrate soon our 48 anniversary

I've been grabbing weather data every few minutes in my area since early 2021. I've been meaning to do something interesting with it and the text file is over 16MB at this point. Maybe next week...

@Lanka4Jesus @tymektt @MaryMamuzich @Cherishingsparrows2020 @tanjaostman @sinbach will do. That's a lot of children. Jesus loves all the children of the world. I'll be praying

Hopeful of bringing out a teenage believer for higher studies to a neighboring country.
We just need 4 more miracles

so far 4,750,000 Ukrainian refugees had fled the war zone and entered Poland.
I'm speechless.

Behind the scenes with the BerryBunch

I’ve been hearing the same thing of late, from quite a few people. And it goes something like this:

“How are you able to produce so much? I can’t do that”.

So, let me pull the curtain back a little, to the world of the BerryBunch – in the hope that I can encourage you in your own serving of God.

But, firstly, do you have any specific questions you’d like us to answer about what we do, how we do it, or why we do it? Let us know and we’ll do our best to answer them. [READ MORE]

Andy B

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