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Pondering Ps. 9:7-8 today---
I'm so grateful to be on this side of the cross and the empty tomb, seeing Christ exalted as King and Head over all! David's concept of God in this Psalm was limited to God sitting enthroned only to judge the world. His concept was rooted in the law of Moses and according to the Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil.

How blessed we are to see the contrast of Christ ruling today to save the world in mercy and grace! (Acts 5:31)
His is the throne of a loving Savior, not judgment.

What has God's intention been from eternity to eternity? To love and save the world, favoring fallen man with His grace and abundant, overflowing mercy!

Of course, the New Testament also reveals God's throne as the place of His authority and we know the day is coming when He will judge His own people and the world according to His righteousness. (II Tim 4:8)

For all of you who pray foR us, we are pressing on! Remember your brothers and sisters in Chains in China πŸ™

@Williams_girl cool

It we ever do get the opportunity to come to the US I think we'll have to announce a tour to meet the people we've got to know over there πŸ™‚ and announce it here first

Waiting for the crow to arrive!!!
The funds for an urgent project is stuck in transit.
Please pray for instant release of funds.
@MaryMamuzich @Cherishingsparrows2020 @Kruselady @tanjaostman @richardafaherty @VeritasDomain

One seed traveled with a volunteer, 1700 miles . It grew produced more seeds and keeps multiplying in this Buddhist neighborhood.

@Berrybunchfamily that's great! I find experientially God does exactly what he says he would do in scripture, that is provide our needs because he had said he would, but it's a greater joy to see it and experience it with our own eyes.
I say that and now it's mine turn. We just had a accident where water overflowed and spilled through the floor down stairs into the below apartments. Oops 😬. We will have to pay so now pray for us! Thanks

Om a separate note could y'all pray for us?

Our car had a strange noise yesterday on the way home - from church. A breakdown service have said the rear brakes need replacing as a caliper (the noise we heard coming back from church) had stuck causing the brake pads to wear down to metal, which also damaged the rear brake discs

So we've cancelled all sorts of things for the next two weeks - when we then hope to be able to afford to pay for repairs at pay day.

Until then things are already beyond tight.

Andy B

This is Teresa's health update.

The head physician told us that, from the point of view of her appearance, he sees her better, and this is no small detail.

More tests will be carried out in the coming days to better assess the situation.

For now we just have to wait and pray.

God bless you πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

Your brother Antonio β™₯️β™₯️β™₯️

πŸ™ Updates on the health of my wife's mother whose name is Teresa. πŸ™

A few minutes ago we spoke to a doctor and he told us that the situation is very complex and Anna's mother is in danger of dying. Only a miracle from God can save her as the doctors told us they have never seen such a situation.

I ask you to continue to pray for her. God bless you all. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ Urgent prayer request. My wife's mother has caught the flu and has a very high fever, she feels very weak to the point that she can't stand up. I ask you to pray for her. Thank you. God bless you. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

Let’s remember and pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters today.

Here is Lene Sondergaard, wife of wrongly imprisoned pastor Torben Sondergaard. This is Lene’s powerful testimony of faith during this ongoing trial of persecution.

I ask those God would call to pray for healing for my 76 yr old wife Sharon! Kidney cancer removed! Upr gum/tooth /mouth roof area stage 2 cancer removed.. ( praise God) Radiation treatments commence Monday the 6 th! For endurance & healing!

Another sad day for Finland πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ’”
The new transgender law was accepted by the Parliament.

We'll see where and how this way our leaders have chosen ends. πŸ₯Ά

I have just one word: Maranatha ! β€πŸ™ŒπŸ™

@davereimer ok. Doctor told me to ignore any future mild episodes...severe is one thing, mild ones he said to just work through

We're still awaiting that 72 hr heart monitor...but there's a backlog in the UK for those...not a clue how long we'll have to wait

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