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These are just some of the Jewish Israeli children who were captured from their Biblical Homeland (Genesis 15:18-21) and are held hostage in Muslim Gaza. They need you to Pray for them.

Avigail 3 Kfir - 9 months Yuval 8
Ohad 9 Uriah 4 Ema 3
Aviv 2 Emilia 5 Ella 8
Yuly 3 Eitan 12 Ofri 10

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Bethany boosted
Bethany boosted

Deadly Floods in Afghanistan Claim More Than 60 Lives – URGENT Help Needed

Deadly floods smashed regions of Afghanistan last week, according to our partners on the ground.

The capital city, Kabul, the Maidan Wardak, and Ghazni provinces have all seen massive torrents of flash floods destroying houses, wrecking crops, and killing livestock. According to unconfirmed reports on the ground, more than 60 people have lost their lives in the floods.

This comes at a time when the nation is still reeling from the economic disaster of the Taliban takeover. Afghanistan is suffering from war, drought, famine, and tyrannical Islamic rule. On top of that, they are now suffering from floods.

BTJ is sending emergency funding to our partners.

Help is urgently needed. To help with this effort please click below. 100% of all donated funds will be sent to Afghanistan to help the flood victims.

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Bethany boosted
Bethany boosted

For all of you who pray foR us, we are pressing on! Remember your brothers and sisters in Chains in China 🙏

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@Berrybunchfamily I'm here. 😊👋 I look through the dings at least ones a day, and enjoy reading of you who still are active, but otherwise I try to minimize my time on social media 🙏

Bethany boosted

Loved this chapter from a book written more than 100 years ago by a Welsh missionary to China.

"The brightest day in a man's life is the day on which the revelation of God as Father becomes a reality to the soul. Is God my Father? Then I know that He will never leave me, and that He can never forsake me.

Is God my Father? Then I know that there is no poison in the cup which He gives me to drink. It may be bitter, very bitter; but there is no poison in it, there is nothing in it to hurt me.

Is God my Father? Then, though nailed to a cross, I can trust Him, and will trust Him.

"Father, into Thy hands I commend My spirit." Such was His trust in God on His cross; and such shall be my trust in God on my cross. Jesus knew the Father perfectly, and trusted Him implicitly. He did so with regard to Himself, and He did so with regard to His mission and work. If He believed, why should I doubt? If He trusted in God, why should I hesitate to put my whole trust and confidence in Him?"

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Bethany boosted
this message is 6 years old, but I found this 7 minutes soo up to date!
Do you? Would you share your thoughts?

Bethany boosted

The book of the prophet Zechariah tells us that the Mount of Olives will split in half when Jesus comes back and touches it. In the last months, we have witnessed a situation that helps to put this prophecy in a tangible perspective.

Beautiful spring morning this Good Friday 🙏🏼💙

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Bethany boosted

@Backtojerusalem I pray for God’s HOLY BIBLE to be given to people of all nations & tribes.. that they might read of & experience His love & forgiveness!!!!

Bethany boosted

Submission to the will,
Of Him who loves me still,
Is surety of His love revealed.
My soul shall rise above,
This world in which I move;
I conquer only when I yield.

Not what I wish to be,
Nor where I wish to go.
For who am I that I should choose my way.
The Lord will choose for me,
'Tis better far I know.
So let him bid me go; or stay.

C. Austin Miles

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