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@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter yesterday, you and your family was heavy on my heart. I, of course, didn't know what was happening buti knew Jesus always does!
I will continue to pray, I will let the Holy Spirit guide my words as I kneel before the throne of our Father who loves us most!
Jay is ever in my prayers for guidance and for Jay - for him to search his right path through Christ in prayer. Also your daughter, I pray the Lord will direct her path, that her heart will ever be in harmony with Christ.

I will be praying for your wife and the ministry she is starting. That sounds exciting!
I also pray for the business man, that he will come to know Jesus, our source of all life and goodness...that money can't buy - our salvation!

I pray you are also feeling better!

My little garden has had a hard season. It has gone through: snow, days of pouring rain, hail, wind, heat, moles,ants,moths and tiny black bugs!
I muscled my way through some pretty beat up thick skinned vegetables. The insides are sweet soft tender goodness that will nourish my husband and I through the winter.
I think we Christians probably look a lot like this little kohlrabi with it's tough skin from our enemy constantly hitting us with everything bad...BUT!! God will provide,protect and use us to complete His good will.
So, let us keep our attitude looking for the good in all things and ppl. Let's march on in the strength of Jesus Christ our Savior.
I continue to pray for all you beautiful DD ppl!! My family - my forever friends!

@Berrybunchfamily @Cherishingsparrows2020 I loved this!!! And the background is good! Very calm and comfy looking! Nice but doesn't take away from the two of you.
I'm excited! I believe it will do very well!

Thank you all so much for prayers for my stepdad, he has passed away. I am having a hard time finding a place to live near my mother, and I have to move in about 1.5 weeks.

Unfortunately my sister terminated the lease on my mother’s house, blocking me being able to bring her and her dogs home, and live with them there. She is being placed in a care home due to my not being positioned yet to take her on (so much pushback from my sister and niece) even though I want to take her on (and they don’t).

PLEASE PRAY THAT SHE CANNOT BLOCK ME FROM GUARDIANSHIP — that was the original plan, for me to get guardianship

I am a bit heartbroken right now. 😭. Also struggling financially due to gasoline and expenses with trying to do business in the hospital area.

Please pray for my finances, a place to live, and that I can somehow be reunited with my mother and take care of her. Also, that somehow we can get her dogs back. My sister is wanting to find new owners for them. 😞

@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter praying for boldness for the sake of the children! Christ is up for the challenge! We stand together clothed in the armour of God!! May the enemy melt as lead in the fire of our lifted prayed!

@Olamide Another day, another post for Ollie, another smile on my face!!!
That song will be going through my head today!
Praying the word of God melts the hearts of the unbelievers! May souls be won!!!

Pray for Forge Ambassador teams working inside Somalia!!

With some news research you’ll discover that Al shabaab has initiated horrific attacks. Bombing and intense fighting has been going on for nearly two days.

Forge ambassadors are saying “We have not slept but are hiding out. We have peace that if we die then heaven awaits us. But we are burdened to the point of no sleep for our people. There is aggression and hate, the loss of innocent civilians, no peace in the people’s hearts, and no true belief. We are burdened with the darkness that covers this whole land, the relentlessness of satan repelling anything good.”

Support God’s work through everyday kingdom laborers in places of great needs:

@Sonshine such a hard time in life to go through for both you and your parents! I will be praying for guidance and a miracle! Our Lord has lots of both!! Hang in there and try and get some rest.

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