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Found this from 2021: πŸ€”

"Letter from Israel - By Benjamin Fulford - April 9, 2021 - 48 Comments"

Bibles Delivered !
There was a big demand for Bibles in a 'specific' language. That too from a Buddhist restricted country.
Many students and professionals willingly purchased it from our volunteers.

The whole operation needed just simple faith and willingness to go to jail (if caught).
Thank you for your prayers πŸ™

It's beautiful how Torben Sondergaard's time in jail has made him humble. πŸ™πŸ» I love his message in this video. Yes, we are one body in Christ and we need eachother. ❀

Deadly Floods in Afghanistan Claim More Than 60 Lives – URGENT Help Needed

Deadly floods smashed regions of Afghanistan last week, according to our partners on the ground.

The capital city, Kabul, the Maidan Wardak, and Ghazni provinces have all seen massive torrents of flash floods destroying houses, wrecking crops, and killing livestock. According to unconfirmed reports on the ground, more than 60 people have lost their lives in the floods.

This comes at a time when the nation is still reeling from the economic disaster of the Taliban takeover. Afghanistan is suffering from war, drought, famine, and tyrannical Islamic rule. On top of that, they are now suffering from floods.

BTJ is sending emergency funding to our partners.

Help is urgently needed. To help with this effort please click below. 100% of all donated funds will be sent to Afghanistan to help the flood victims.

It’s raining here And there are many roads in our city that are flooding! Beijing has asked for people to stay home. Buses have stopped.

PLEASE PRAY for the elderly and people who have difficult circumstances as a result. Some have to be evacuated. Others remember a flash flooding that happened in 2012 that lost 79 lives.

It’s quiet amazing thought I get rain for two weeks in a row - as usually Beijing is hot and no rain all summer long!

And here is a video of how we are being affected πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Thinking of inviting the grandchildren for a splashing party! This is a sunroom upstairs in our house 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣

Here's the newest update from Torben.
This is encouraging - how Torben is living out his Christian faith in the prison. I'm thinking, how can I show more of God's love to people around me, to see and understand the needs, and be a help where I can? πŸ™πŸ»

"It is more blessed to give than to receive". Acts. 20:35

@sarikorpi We serve an awesome God whose ways are not our ways!! I pray God anoint Torbin with His mighty Spirit and bring peace to him & his family! I pray many will be brought to salvation, joy and peace thru God’s Spirit! β€œ NOT BY MIGHT ,MOT BY POWER , BUT BY MY SPIRIT SAYS THE LORD” Zachariah 4:6

@davereimer Torben has sent a small greeting (not a video, just a writing) on YouTube for 23 hours ago. He's still in jail, now 1 year and 18 days, but he thanks God for His goodness. An inmate has just two days ago told Torben he's thanking God for sending Torben there. His life has been transformed, he will never be the same, and he says that the whole dorm is changed. So Torben says God is working on so many levels, but that also the fight is really still on. So he will come out with a longer update in a few days. He says: "Please keep all of this in your prayers, as everything is coming to an end and everything can happen at any moment now. Thank you for your love and support towards me and my family. God is moving, and He has a plan with all if this".

Does anyone know how Torben Sondergaard is doing?

Because I have bowed at His throne of grace, receiving His sweet mercy, I LOVE His appearing, and the crown of righteousness is my delightful incentive!!!

"He comes to make His blessings flow
Far as the curse is found!"

Pondering Ps. 9:7-8 today---
I'm so grateful to be on this side of the cross and the empty tomb, seeing Christ exalted as King and Head over all! David's concept of God in this Psalm was limited to God sitting enthroned only to judge the world. His concept was rooted in the law of Moses and according to the Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil.

How blessed we are to see the contrast of Christ ruling today to save the world in mercy and grace! (Acts 5:31)
His is the throne of a loving Savior, not judgment.

What has God's intention been from eternity to eternity? To love and save the world, favoring fallen man with His grace and abundant, overflowing mercy!

Of course, the New Testament also reveals God's throne as the place of His authority and we know the day is coming when He will judge His own people and the world according to His righteousness. (II Tim 4:8)

For all of you who pray foR us, we are pressing on! Remember your brothers and sisters in Chains in China πŸ™

@Williams_girl cool

It we ever do get the opportunity to come to the US I think we'll have to announce a tour to meet the people we've got to know over there πŸ™‚ and announce it here first

@Berrybunchfamily, I've had similar thoughts. So grateful for the DD platform and have enjoyed the BTJ podcasts over and again.
The offer is authentic. πŸ€— My husband, 4 sons and I live about 4 hrs south west of NYC. About 3.5 from Philly.

@Berrybunchfamily, hello from Sunbury, PA, USA! I'm still here. Haven't posted in a while, but love what kingdom perspectives are shared here. Also grateful to know your family in the Spirit! Grace and peace to you, and please come visit us if ever in the US!

Waiting for the crow to arrive!!!
The funds for an urgent project is stuck in transit.
Please pray for instant release of funds.
@MaryMamuzich @Cherishingsparrows2020 @Kruselady @tanjaostman @richardafaherty @VeritasDomain

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