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S05E070, Under The Surface, Andy B 2 Minute Video

Weeds. They’re such a pain and I’m sure you, like me, have lovingly tended the odd one before we realised it really wasn’t something that deserved our care and attention!

Weeds grow and lie dormant under the surface of the garden just waiting for the right conditions to burst forth and ruin that lovingly weeded piece of garden that we spent hours sorting out.

Because are opportunists. They don’t need much of anything to go wild and create havoc.

We’ve all got weeds in our lives too – they lie under the surface and then suddenly guilt erupts.

Andy B

This video will always be best enjoyed on our website:

: Keep. On. Praying.

Every day is a learning day, and every day God is still very much at work.

Read our latest testimony of God at work today!

Today's Testimony Tuesday post is a recent one for the BerryBunch, and is a reminder for us to all keep on praying.

Keep. On. Praying.

We'd been praying for a good number of years to be able to get our older two boys to some Christian Festivals. All to no avail, however, as we never had the money needed.

Until we did!...[READ MORE]...

For the rest -->

S05E069, When It’s Gone, It’s Gone! Andy B 2 Minute Video

It’s a great feeling when you finally fix something yourself; there is an immense sense of satisfaction when you hear that final ‘click’ as something goes perfectly back into its proper place.

I’ve seen that happen a few times, and it’s always very satisfying!
In life there are some things that we simply can’t put right. It doesn’t matter how hard we try – we just can’t make fix it or repair it.

When we lost our daughter she was just 11 weeks old. There was nothing I, or we, could do to prevent her death. It was utterly out of our control and it took me many years to finally work through that pain and loss and before I was ready to allow my wife and I to consider trying for another baby...[READ MORE]...

Andy B

This video will always be best enjoyed on our website:

Hey brother @sinbach ,
Thank you for the supplies, thank you the prayers and for standing with us.

This week we will share Heavenly man's story. Some are fighting seasonal flue others are chasing the mosquitoes away. Hoping to install the mosquito screen without further delay.
Temperature is moderate now, expecting favor from above for bearable summer.

S05E069, When It’s Gone, It’s Gone! Andy B 2 Minute Video

It’s a great feeling when you finally fix something yourself; there is an immense sense of satisfaction when you hear that final ‘click’ as something goes perfectly back into its proper place.

I’ve seen that happen a few times, and it’s always very satisfying!

In life there are some things that we simply can’t put right. It doesn’t matter how hard we try – we just can’t make fix it or repair it...[READ MORE]...

Andy B

🙏 Updates on the health of my wife's mother whose name is Teresa. 🙏

A few minutes ago we spoke to a doctor and he told us that the situation is very complex and Anna's mother is in danger of dying. Only a miracle from God can save her as the doctors told us they have never seen such a situation.

I ask you to continue to pray for her. God bless you all. 🙏🙏🙏

@zephan @Kruselady @MaryMamuzich @Cherishingsparrows2020 @Seabreeze777 @paga4 @VeritasDomain @Fred @sinbach @Pablito @Berrybunchfamily @Calyfan @Biblestudent @BF24 @Keeper @Williams_girl @jarvil1 @sarasouthkorea @davereimer @natness1 @moamfj @bethany @thiscantberight @Jeremy @mensajero @Malleluja @andyharris @ccoutreach87 @Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter @Wallsondra @richardafaherty @fuzzi @Daniel @danielgray @tanjaostman @Knittinggrace @Lanka4Jesus thank you SO MUCH for your 🙏. My Mom is with me permanently. I still work full time from home and take care of her and 2 dogs, so not much spare time. Hoping & praying that God somehow works a financial miracle so that I can completely focus on caring for her full time before she goes to be with Jesus. Your prayers have meant the world to me, thank you from the bottom of my heart, it helped me to weather a very stormy time, and see victory. May God bless you all 💯 fold. Hope I get more time to be out here more in the future. 💞🙏🌎

BerryBunch 3rd Anniversary Birthday Cake

The Berry Bunch turned 3 today. So we jumped on Facebook Live to let you know some exciting about a new project starting in June.

And so we could blow out our candles and eat some cake!

Tomorrow the BerryBunch turns 3 years old

We've got a few things to celebrate this little milestone and an announcement about a Brand New Project we'll be starting up soon...

Andy B and the BerryBunch

Good Morning, Friends!

By the end of the day, my wife and I should know if our next child is a boy or a girl and I will share the news with you! But this much we already know: it will be one or the other, it was decided before the foundation of the world, and it will never, ever, change.

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